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146 Photos


5/20/2005 7:53:37 AM

26 Photos

monopoly owns

5/20/2005 8:12:42 AM

32 Photos

whats the deal with that lmmfao... business?

5/20/2005 8:17:15 AM

63 Photos

nice neon reflector shoes bro.

5/20/2005 8:17:17 AM

146 Photos

^lol, he has..................


5/20/2005 8:20:59 AM

26 Photos

let your soouuuuuuulllllllll gloooooooooo

5/20/2005 8:25:35 AM

g funk09
1 Photos

I dont think he used that...but want do you do to get you bf% so low? I think Kristina told me yours is around 4-5%.

5/20/2005 1:59:17 PM

226 Photos

^Diet, diet, diet!^

5/20/2005 3:03:37 PM

28 Photos

5/20/2005 5:32:10 PM

g funk09
1 Photos

^^I would rather hear it from Andy. like how much cardio and what type of diet.

[Edited by g funk09 on 5/20/2005 1:05:07 PM. Reason for edit: ^]

5/20/2005 6:04:52 PM

226 Photos

Was only stating the obvious since the formula really isn't THAT tricky

5/20/2005 8:38:19 PM

5 Photos

quote :

^Diet, diet, diet!^

quote :

Was only stating the obvious since the formula really isn't THAT tricky

If it's so simple why'd you forget "exercise?" I think exercise is an essential component to any regiment focusing on a low BF%.

[Edited by LuigiScar7 on 5/20/2005 9:27:47 PM. Reason for edit: ::shrug::]

5/21/2005 12:09:16 AM

g funk09
1 Photos

^^thank you Pete. I mainly wanted to know why type of cardio and how long and how often it is done.

5/21/2005 6:08:39 AM

226 Photos

Because exercise, ie a good training split + cardio is a is 80% of it though. Most people think that to get in this type of shape, it's all about how you train, what exercises you do, etc, when really it's how you fuel your body Also, Pete, when you eat really really clean, you don't have to do very much cardio at all, since with cardio, you can risk burning newly-gained muscle, and putting more stress on the body while it's trying to rebuild and recover.

Also, I don't think he has an ugly face at all. What's up the attacks lately on chiseled faces?! Gawd! lol

[Edited by chicky9914 on 5/21/2005 12:49:38 PM. Reason for edit: :)]

5/21/2005 5:46:30 PM

5 Photos

^^No prob, man.

5/21/2005 6:04:50 PM

37 Photos

wow.. not much free time i guess..

5/21/2005 7:51:12 PM

32 Photos

Hey you guys, sorry I haven't been on here in a few days to respong to your comments. First of all, i wanted to let you know that all of your compliments are really appreciated. I'll just go down the list...No, I've never used Winstrol, so I'll take that as a compliment. I've used a lot of the supplements most of you guys have heard of...creatine, nitric oxide boosters, prohormones (only before the ban came into play). I still consider myself to be a natural bodybuilder. In the world of bodybuilding, a natural bodybuilder is classified as one who doesn't use illegal anabolic steroids or diuretics, simple put. Last time I had it measured, my body fat was 4%. That's basically a maintenence level for me. I'm fortunate enough to have a really lean build, and with the way my diet is structured, I'm still able to build quality mass while staying pretty cut. It may be a little lower now, because I'm less than 3 weeks out from the bodybuilding contest, and those pics were taken at 3.5 weeks out. Thanks a lot chicky for the compliments. To answer the questions about the body fat...I don't really even do much cardio. I mean, I am now, because i need to drop off some weight for the show and get as shredded as possible. My advice is this, train hard and eat really clean. That's what worked for me. Of course genetics plays a huge role, but there's nothing that can be done about that. Any questions you have, feel free to ask. Thanks again!

5/23/2005 5:51:39 AM

g funk09
1 Photos

Does that mean I can't drink endless amounts off beer?

5/23/2005 6:15:05 AM

226 Photos

Which contest are you doin? Best of luck!

5/23/2005 1:25:57 PM

32 Photos

Yeah, I wouldn't recommend drinking massive amounts of beer. That definitely won't do anything for you. I'm sure drinking a few here and there wouldn't hurt. I actually don't ever drink. It's just the combination of all of the essential elements that produces the desired effect, depending on what your goals are. And Mitch, get off the steroid business, I'm not on them and I never was. If you honestly think I'm on steroids, than that's your opinion and it will remain that until you take my word for it. I've worked hard as hell to get where I am, so I take offense to that assumption. My views on steroids are a topic for a whole other discussion, which I'm not gonna go into right now. I'll be competing in the Tampa Bay Classic on June 11 and the Ancient City Classic in St. Augustine on July 16.

5/23/2005 5:42:29 PM

226 Photos

Awesome what class are you competing in? Isn't Benny doing the one in St. Augustine too?

5/23/2005 6:01:43 PM

32 Photos

Actually mitch, even with steroids, not every person can be a bodybuilder. You talk like any average joe can get juiced up and be Mr. Olympia. That's simply not true. There are plenty of guys out there on all kinds of steroids, but have no clue what they're doing and know nothing about how to use the steroids. They don't train or diet properly, so all they get out of it is some muscle mass, a lot of water retention, and bitch tits. And where does that leave them? Certainly not on stage. There's just a lot of science behind it, and all I'm saying is that I've never done any of them. I do my research and learn on my own my trial and error. I'm not to the point where I think I should be using steroids. But I do agree with you, genetics can be battled somewhat with steroids. I'm just saying nothing can totally counteract your genetic destination.

I'll be competing in lightweight, which is up to 154.25. Benny is supposed to compete in St. Augustine with me, eh says he will. But I haven't talked to him about it lately, so his plans may have changed. I'm not real sure. The residence issue might be a problem, because it's a Level II show, and includes athletes from surrounding counties only.

5/23/2005 8:46:03 PM

226 Photos

yeah, it takes a lot more than steroids to make a professional bodybuilder. Yeah, unfortunately in order to hang with the Olympia guys and even think about becoming a pro, you need steroids, but people like Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler, and Dexter Jackson have worked their tails off to make it at the pinnacle of bodybuilding- training typically 3 times a day, eating more tuna, chicken breasts, and oatmeal that is conceivable! Just because steroids are part of their training regimines doesn't mean they haven't worked. Also, I don't even know BigAG08 but I can tell by his pictures that he doesn't include steroids in his training. But whatever, it's usually the lazy people who are afraid of hard work that accuse the dedicated of takins steroids...that's my 2 cents...i'm done now.

5/23/2005 9:24:21 PM

32 Photos

Hey mitch, I know that wasn't what you were saying. And I apologize if anything I said seemed harsh or whatever. I didn't mean to get defensive about the Winstrol thing. I just wanted to let you know that I've never done any of that, I've just worked hard to get where I am. BUt I am by no means stopping now, I have a lot of personal goals for bodybuilding. I'm not out to criticize anyone or anything. I can only attest to my own personal experiences.

5/23/2005 11:19:41 PM

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