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Gallery » the big o
me after the BLS show in Otown! 
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21 Photos

oh sure, go ahead and cut me out of the picture...see if i care hahaha

5/12/2005 8:28:40 PM

the big o
43 Photos

wtf are DSL's ? lol ? is everyone else in on this joke besides me?! (feeling stupid) and i miss you too kat! i really do, been thinkin bout u and the good old days!hehe

5/13/2005 5:17:22 PM

the big o
43 Photos

u ass only one "D" do these "L" "S" hahaha

[Edited by the big o on 6/21/2005 1:44:22 AM. Reason for edit: cos dave doesnt understand with the apostophy and S after the "L" that i had before i just deleted]

6/21/2005 6:42:04 AM

the big o
43 Photos

well u could have easily but you bailed on me as always!

6/22/2005 5:59:53 AM

the big o
43 Photos

well i gave you plenty of warning...silly boy. but drinking is more important then seeing me huh? its ok, i wont cry for too long, just a few days

6/26/2005 6:15:23 PM

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