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Scurred Balloon Man 
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Yes...I am a Balloon Twister. This is the result of severe boredom
120 Photos

Shiiiiiit y's he running he is the one w/ the gun in his right hand, the other guy only has a...umm sumtihng in his hand.... turn around and "pop" a cap in his ass!! thats what i would do if i were the pink and blue Balooon man!

[Edited by Gumby on 10/16/2004 2:09:45 AM. Reason for edit: muha ha ha ha]

10/16/2004 7:09:12 AM

44 Photos

I think the pink guy is trying to hide from the purple guy behind the Cheese Puff container.

I want to see the fight!
Looks like purple is going to beat pink with a limb from a previous pink victim.

10/16/2004 2:33:56 PM

149 Photos

New pic to update story is on the way

10/16/2004 2:54:44 PM

93 Photos

just incredible..

3/30/2005 6:20:27 PM

11 Photos

Woo-HA... amazing art skills...

3/30/2005 6:27:00 PM

28 Photos

interesting hobby/talent.

3/30/2005 9:27:22 PM

11 Photos

can you make condom animals too? haha i dont konw why, but i think that might be funny...what can i say, im still stuck in middle school. HAHA

3/30/2005 9:35:36 PM

21 Photos

that would rock

7/16/2005 5:08:21 AM

25 Photos

im interested...

7/16/2005 5:09:19 AM

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