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Gallery » voodoofish65usf
jaeger and cubans 
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41 Photos

either that's not a real cuban, or it's a badly-made cuban. the burn on the end is jagged and un-even, which is classic of a cuban knock-off. hope you didn't pay much...

8/2/2004 6:49:15 PM

Hecht Money
31 Photos

No, that burn may just be the result of a bad light.

8/2/2004 7:59:47 PM

149 Photos

i am glad to see i am not the only aficionado here

8/3/2004 5:10:28 AM

129 Photos

my dad picked me up three cubans in toronto... when i get back home after summer semester i will smoke em like a B

8/3/2004 5:48:06 AM

41 Photos

what kind of cubans? if they're good, i might offer to buy one off of ya...

and yeah, voodoofish: i'm a cigar aficionado. Romeo y' Julietta Cedros #2 are my favorite.

8/3/2004 9:55:47 AM

149 Photos

my favorite are montecristo #2, but if i'm feeling froggy and dont have a cuban i might puff a opusX or sancho panza robusto. as for buying them, i am currently in australia till december. i usually get them from canada, the bahamas, or st. martiin.

8/3/2004 10:32:26 AM

129 Photos

i havent heard. ill post it on here when i find out though.

8/3/2004 5:04:50 PM

Hecht Money
31 Photos

Yeah, I'm definately a cigar fan and I do have a subscription to Cigar Afficionado. My favorites are Montecristo Platinum and Romeo Y Julieta Reserve. I had a cigar the other night that my friend gave me...It had two wrappers, a light and a dark, however I do not remember what kind it was because I was very drunk. I know it was one that I have never heard of, but most definately will be up and coming.

8/3/2004 10:30:22 PM

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