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the voodoo lady 
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my lovely fishing vessel
124 Photos

Whats the range on that thing?

7/13/2004 8:41:22 PM

209 Photos

The range is as long as the keg will last...RIght Chris

7/16/2004 2:17:19 AM

149 Photos

depending on the amount of people/bottles of booze X kegs= i got drunk and forgot. well running at 2100RPM's@20knts...about 2000 miles

7/16/2004 2:35:31 AM

209 Photos

captain jay said about 300 miles

7/16/2004 10:38:36 AM

149 Photos

i could go 2000 miles on the beer and booze, but not the gas

7/17/2004 4:39:08 AM

209 Photos

Shit when were on it it could go about 20 miles with the beer and booze...

7/17/2004 4:39:28 PM

149 Photos

trevor dont drink beer. he is a non dranker. trevor, mitch, gibfunk, my pa, and mikey davis all went to the bahamas on the boat for about a week and didnt finish one keg. these pussies are non drankers

7/17/2004 6:48:09 PM

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