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4/20/2004 1:00:22 AM

2 Photos

But Britney is better

[Edited by Carlster39 on 4/19/2004 8:01:20 PM. Reason for edit: ?]

4/20/2004 1:00:51 AM

295 Photos

oh no you didn't...

4/20/2004 3:07:28 AM

145 Photos

now see, i usually have pittsburgh pride.
but this?
this is where it stops.
the dumb bitch is from wexford 10 minutes outside of pittsburgh... she pretends to be so ghetto, if you people only knew what wexford was like.
we have huge songs and jokes about her being from wexford and how she acts now, on every radio station.
fuck this stupid bitch and her shitty music.

4/20/2004 3:14:35 AM

2 Photos

christina > britney

4/20/2004 3:32:36 AM

295 Photos

singers/performers have a tendency to adapt to what their fans like, it's what sells their music..

4/20/2004 3:33:18 AM

0 Photos

from a singers point of view: i love her voice...her range and overall skill is amazing

but from many girls' point of view, i think her image comes off a bit strong for the audience that she first was trying to target. Britney has done the same thing....but responsibility of the media has died...there was a whole thing on the radio about 60 minutes (a show that is not live) let the word shit on their segment about Mary J Blige, and then the Janet boob thing...i dont know if i should think its goin to far, or if viewers need to stop being sensitive, and just deal with our changing society

(maybe i should've moved this to the boards.....)

4/20/2004 4:26:25 AM

81 Photos

I know what wexford is like. bahaha

4/20/2004 4:41:28 AM

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