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soooo when are they finally gonna build a stadium?!?!!!...!

10/11/2007 2:36:43 AM

53 Photos

That looks awesom, gotta say that Bucs logo really messes with it though..

I used to be all for a on campus stadium as well, however, these sell outs will not continue, All of Tampa is just sucking bull dick because they are in the news and ranked, I love the bulls but I am being realistic here, once we play more people in our division, I think our record will suffer, and the rush will die down, for all intensive reasoning, I hope im incorrect. But if they keep going like they are, I don't wanna think about how difficult it will be to get a ticket if we weren't at a NFL stadium.. however when we aren't selling games out it wouldn't look as pathetic

P.S. before I get flamed, I want to let it be known, I'm by no means claiming im an expert, but I am a fan.

10/11/2007 4:00:20 AM

45 Photos

No need for an on campus stadium right now. Let them upgrade all the other athletic facilities first since those will undoubtedly be cheaper. Than build an on campus stadium when we're consistently selling out, or coming close to it

10/11/2007 4:14:25 AM

47 Photos

USF already sold out.

Fuckin' sell outs.

10/11/2007 4:05:04 PM

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