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21 Photos

your hair is ruls ok

8/14/2007 7:03:12 AM

47 Photos

Should have left it like this for a couple days. Start a facial hair revolution.

8/14/2007 1:56:15 PM

81 Photos


8/14/2007 4:29:25 PM

73 Photos

I'm going to do this.

8/14/2007 7:48:05 PM

1 Photos

it's a backwards landing strip!

8/14/2007 11:30:19 PM

21 Photos

i actually know another guy who was already rocking this look, no joke

8/15/2007 4:22:05 AM

101 Photos

Kind of remind me of the stereotypical Asian guy in the Hot Pocket commercials. I wish I could rock a beard like that.

8/15/2007 4:59:41 AM

21 Photos

^ my comment on one of his other pics

quote :

yeah, i wish i could rock facial hair like that

did you read it and that obtuse slang seeped into your subconscious or was this seriously a grand coincidence?

8/15/2007 9:05:27 AM

101 Photos

I only looked at this picture, Shchmue.

8/15/2007 3:34:06 PM

131 Photos

quote :

it's a backwards landing strip!


8/16/2007 12:23:24 AM

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