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394 Photos

toes down

8/10/2007 1:00:01 AM

7 Photos

not necessarily, but I don't know what she's practicing so it's hard to say.

8/10/2007 3:19:08 AM

73 Photos

I think it's a side kick.

8/10/2007 7:51:02 AM

21 Photos

8/10/2007 8:20:41 AM

nikki ole
602 Photos

Yep, she needs to flex the toes straight and not curl them.

8/10/2007 2:50:51 PM

47 Photos

^^Zing. Nice.

8/10/2007 2:56:50 PM

707 Photos

Your all wrong. Your supposed to kick with the side edge of your foot. Kick with your toes? Thats fucking stupid. thats like punching with your fingers... good luck with that.

8/10/2007 4:59:59 PM

394 Photos

heel, not edge of the foot

8/10/2007 8:50:55 PM

707 Photos

no, not heel, wtf?

8/10/2007 9:12:47 PM

73 Photos

If it's a side kick then you're supposed to use the edge of the foot. At least that's the way I was taught to do it.

8/10/2007 9:24:14 PM

707 Photos

You use your heel in a drop kick...

8/10/2007 9:55:30 PM

394 Photos

trust me, without going all " i know more than you," side and back kicks are done with the heel, toes flexed back and pointed down (taekwondo)

8/10/2007 10:00:39 PM

707 Photos

maybe its differenting arts but when I took martial arts classes the few years I did, thats not what I was taught.

8/10/2007 10:36:43 PM

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