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Rocky Horror 
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The finished product there.
707 Photos

god that movie sucks... the only people who like it are the type of people who are trying despertly to be different and unique.

I've always laughed when its played at parties and everyone is so excited its going to be played and then they fail to even watch 5 minutes of it. Fail to watch 5 minutes of their favorite movie that they love so dearly.

5/4/2007 6:59:07 PM

99 Photos

USF's actually doing it in the fall (it was a stage show first), so a group of my friends decided, "Hey, let's go down to the Beach Theater in St. Pete and see Rocky!" ... So we did.

5/4/2007 7:08:06 PM

37 Photos

i should put together a magenta outfit

5/4/2007 9:43:42 PM

131 Photos

I'm a Janet girl myself.

I've never participated, but if I did, I'd be drunk and in an old granny slip.

But that's not really any different than any other occasion.

5/5/2007 3:42:47 AM

99 Photos

^ Right on.

5/5/2007 8:13:29 AM

37 Photos

^^ aw you'd be with the asshole ;_;

haha some of us on here have been talking about doing this for so long and we never did.

5/5/2007 10:03:00 AM

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