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Gallery » sweethoney1624
a sloth!!! 
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7 Photos

It loves you!

4/23/2007 12:39:46 AM

129 Photos

did it take like five minutes to pick up?

4/23/2007 12:48:44 AM

16 Photos

The sloth looks stoned as hell

4/23/2007 12:56:01 AM

90 Photos

Don't they have mold growing on them or something? I thought I've heard that before. Blech.

4/23/2007 3:22:22 AM

1 Photos

those things are so freaking cute

4/23/2007 3:33:40 AM

226 Photos

Cute picture Yanay

4/23/2007 3:55:01 AM

234 Photos

babies don't have mold yet. also lol@aaron

4/23/2007 2:02:43 PM

56 Photos

It was the cutest thing! I want one as a pet!! It took one second, I just held my arms out and it hugged me It looked stoned as hell cuz that's how they look all the time stoned and happy. lol

4/23/2007 4:43:26 PM

226 Photos

You think everybody looks stoned Yanay! Maybe it's just you!! j/k

4/23/2007 6:38:37 PM

16 Photos

there is notting wrong with being stoned and happy! as long as you can move faster then a sloth

4/23/2007 10:58:52 PM

37 Photos

aaww do sloths purr? it looks like he's purring.

4/24/2007 12:45:11 AM

6 Photos

I'm laughing so hard at the five minutes to pick up comment. Ah shit.

4/24/2007 2:53:35 AM

16 Photos

eh? 5 minutes? i'm so lost now

4/24/2007 2:59:49 AM

6 Photos

Hey, scroll up, jackass.

4/24/2007 3:02:25 AM

7 Photos

I saw this thing on Animal Planet where a sloth had to take a crap. He actually climbed down from the tree and DUG A HOLE USING HIS TAIL, then pooped in it. So awesome.

4/24/2007 3:43:09 AM

6 Photos


This thread is golden! Golden!

[Edited by hope_EXPLOSION on 4/23/2007 11:22:51 PM. Reason for edit: GOLDEN I SAY]

4/24/2007 4:22:34 AM

Seth Angelus
6 Photos

It entire day for it to take a crap.

4/24/2007 4:28:23 AM

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