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Gallery » calvin
ariel dave and me 
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throwin it up, nice dave
7 Photos

Calvin, your world is nothing less than I thought it would be.

4/9/2007 4:01:07 AM

394 Photos

if by nothing less you mean fantasy then yes, i am living the high life

4/9/2007 4:01:47 AM

7 Photos

I see you've chosen your interpretation of my words carefully.

4/9/2007 4:07:53 AM

394 Photos

i seriously have no fucking clue what youre talking about. fill me in

4/9/2007 4:10:13 AM

57 Photos

I think she's calling you a stereotypical douchebag type.

4/9/2007 4:14:01 AM

394 Photos

lol she can call me what she wants. im pretty sure the pink shirt inflamed her vag.

4/9/2007 4:15:00 AM

7 Photos

That mirror must be intoxicating. You know Calvin, sometimes when you look at yourself too hard, you truly fail to see.

4/9/2007 4:23:22 AM

394 Photos

with that eye i cant look at much else besides the wall.

but it surrrre is purdy

4/9/2007 4:24:37 AM

93 Photos

i worked with ariel for a while....nice guy he is...

4/9/2007 5:09:11 AM

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