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those were the days 
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1 Photos

NPC Tampa Classic 2007 - June 9th; Novice Division...See you on stage.

3/17/2007 4:57:45 AM

108 Photos

so cute but why such an internet hard-ass? :/

3/19/2007 2:18:31 AM

108 Photos

and whoa, I think Jason just hit on you.

3/19/2007 2:18:51 AM

394 Photos

^ hello sailor.

^^ thanks sweetheart, im really not a hardass (i mean, you have the right to label me if you want) i just like to stir up trouble. Its (hardly) ever personal

3/19/2007 2:21:16 AM

108 Photos uh...can I borrow your bike? I sold mine and want to ride

3/19/2007 2:28:48 AM

394 Photos

only if you let me on the back

oh damnit....monoposto

actually i havent ridden it in 4 months since my near-accident on 75, im getting the replacement fairing this week (crosses fingers) fucking ebay sellers.

3/19/2007 2:30:30 AM

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