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Gallery » calvin
ugly mofo 
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1 Photos

Are you training to ultimately compete?

3/8/2007 2:33:22 AM

394 Photos

should i?

3/8/2007 2:35:15 AM

1 Photos

dang. i need bigger lats

3/8/2007 2:42:06 AM

275 Photos

i'll get to look like this one day

3/8/2007 3:41:25 AM

101 Photos

Probably not... He has good genetics.

3/8/2007 3:44:03 AM

226 Photos

Awww my "leaning out" spring break sexy muscle pose pictures will be coming soon too HAHA...good job

3/8/2007 4:17:47 AM

394 Photos

look forward to them. these are 2mos old i think.

3/8/2007 4:18:42 AM

1 Photos


3/8/2007 5:10:41 AM

nikki ole
602 Photos

You are lacking in the pec department...but make up for it with the obliques

3/8/2007 5:13:14 AM

12 Photos

^he looks like he could take your bf

3/8/2007 8:12:03 AM

Seth Angelus
6 Photos

3/8/2007 8:50:22 AM

21 Photos

quote :

and also the creepy gay guy in just bicycle shorts who just rides the elevator all day, smells like soup mix, like "hey i uh... workin' your obliques there, huh?" OH GOD

3/8/2007 1:37:52 PM

1 Photos

quote :

Should I?

Sure, just depends how into bodybuilding you are. You're tall so you'd have to pack on a lot of mass to be in the open classes but you could always do novice or drug tested all natural events as that gets out most of the roid heads. I'm hoping that I can do the Tampa Classic this year which is like June 10th but I don't think my chest will recover in time (I'm like 30% right now).

3/8/2007 5:15:22 PM

73 Photos

quote :

520 Photos

You are lacking in the pec department...but make up for it with the obliques

It just looks like he's lacking in the pec department because his arms are up.

3/8/2007 7:31:54 PM

394 Photos

I've been lifting for 5+ years now. first it was supplemental to my martials arts/boxing and now its reverse. 6'3 and 195 right now, id be happy at 225

3/8/2007 7:34:26 PM

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