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Gallery » calvin
brokededed & sprained wrist 
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1 Photos

that actually looks more like ur hand

3/2/2007 4:58:42 AM

394 Photos

funny, last I checked you couldn't see a sprain


3/2/2007 7:37:18 PM

707 Photos

... huh

3/2/2007 7:57:11 PM

394 Photos

meaning i wouldnt bother showing my wrist

3/3/2007 1:21:55 AM

234 Photos

ok, what the fuck is all blurry behind your hand

3/3/2007 2:50:23 AM

1 Photos

If you can't see it why'd you take a picture?

3/3/2007 3:18:52 AM

57 Photos

fapping injury

3/3/2007 7:47:51 AM

394 Photos

^^ is your brain broken u retard?

you can see the broken finger, which I took a pic of
you cant see the sprain in my wrist which is why i didnt bother to fit it all in

if youre that worried about the picture, fuck off.

idk what the blur is, I had some shit on my lense it might be a blur of color btwn my fingers, the background was my wall.

3/3/2007 8:02:55 AM

1 Photos

it doesnt say broken and sprained finger, it say broken and sprained wrist....therefore only pussy's complain about broken fingers....

3/3/2007 7:20:10 PM

1 Photos

^Exactly my point.

You cross eyed fuck, you can't even make a straight point. I hope you're sterile.

3/3/2007 8:02:16 PM

394 Photos

hahah OooOoO sorry me forgets teh word

"broken [finger], sprained wrist"

3/3/2007 8:59:04 PM

394 Photos

wish i could be as cool as you mattyboy

[Edited by calvin on 3/3/2007 8:06:01 PM. Reason for edit: .]

3/3/2007 9:00:12 PM

1 Photos

lol, that's the best you can do?^

3/3/2007 11:49:45 PM

394 Photos

no but apparently its the best YOU can do

3/4/2007 1:06:19 AM

1 Photos

You poor guy. =)

3/4/2007 1:27:42 AM

275 Photos

so thats why you weren't in the strongest bull today, btw some girl from the track team here dead lifted 405 lbs like it was nothing. and there goes your lifting for a few weeks

3/4/2007 3:06:24 AM

707 Photos

wow... this thread + picture screams retarded

3/4/2007 3:25:24 AM

394 Photos

^now that you're here im sure we meet status quo

3/4/2007 6:48:27 AM

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