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Tony Jaa fan ftw 
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aim all hate mail/negative comments toward Marie Spicer
6 Photos

That is not Tony Jaa.

[Edited by hope_EXPLOSION on 5/9/2006 5:55:07 PM. Reason for edit: THAT is Tony Jaa.]

5/9/2006 10:52:54 PM

9 Photos for your difinitive Tony Jaa wallpapers.

5/9/2006 11:00:28 PM

Liquid Anubis
1 Photos

This is Tony Jaa:

5/9/2006 11:18:17 PM

1 Photos

ryan, wtf is your comment all about... geez...

[Edited by Herekiss2 on 5/9/2006 6:46:39 PM. Reason for edit: .]

5/9/2006 11:46:22 PM

1 Photos

^lol... i got the digits if u want them...billyboi

5/9/2006 11:48:37 PM

101 Photos

Ong Bak is better than Tom Yum Goong. I really hated the last part of Tom Yun Goong. Watching Tony Jaa break a thousand limbs can get boring.

5/9/2006 11:49:48 PM

Seth Angelus
6 Photos

Tom Yum Goong had that capoeira vs. muy thai fight right?

5/9/2006 11:53:39 PM

101 Photos

Yes, it did. It wasn't that great though.

I have Tom Yum Goong on DVD, but no subs. Oh well.. like I really watch the movie for the story. Psshh...

[Edited by OmNiSciEnT12b on 5/9/2006 6:57:38 PM. Reason for edit: =p]

5/9/2006 11:56:19 PM

6 Photos

Ong Bak is the shit.

5/9/2006 11:59:42 PM

9 Photos

True that Ong Bak > Tom Yum Goong but no way can you get bored seeing 60 different ways to break a human's bone. I hurt watching that.

5/10/2006 12:16:34 AM

101 Photos

can too...

Ong Bak is playing on showtime right now.

[Edited by OmNiSciEnT12b on 5/9/2006 9:40:33 PM. Reason for edit: hm]

5/10/2006 1:47:14 AM

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