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that damn dog 
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293 Photos

did you shoot it yet?

5/1/2006 6:03:08 PM

41 Photos

Refer to my response, Jesse:

5/1/2006 6:45:22 PM

146 Photos

I saw a dog tear a duck apart a few days ago.

5/1/2006 6:50:18 PM

1 Photos

the dog has not been shot yet.

this is the damn dog.

[Edited by Herekiss2 on 5/1/2006 3:49:05 PM. Reason for edit: .]

5/1/2006 8:48:30 PM

253 Photos

How could such a cute thing do something so horrendous

5/1/2006 8:51:07 PM

41 Photos

oh, that dog would have been suffering a LONG, painful death if I got my hands on it, not posing for photo-ops...

[Edited by elm3r on 5/1/2006 3:55:35 PM. Reason for edit: die dog, die.]

5/1/2006 8:54:50 PM

1 Photos

that's some hardcore humpage by the dog

5/2/2006 12:12:32 AM

234 Photos

a fucking pitbull, big surprise there.

5/2/2006 12:15:21 AM

231 Photos

i've owned pitbulls all of my life. i have never seen one attack unprovoked or out of nowhere.

not saying its never happened. i've just never seen it.

maybe i missed it, what happened and why did the dog attack?

5/2/2006 1:22:47 AM

192 Photos

the dogs' ears dont look like they were cut right...

5/2/2006 2:47:43 AM

1 Photos

the dogs ears were never cut.. and we have two female pits, that for 5 yrs have been very loving and sweet.. but dogs can turn at any time and im not sure why she did... she knew ryan but somehow something happened and attacked.

5/2/2006 8:48:24 PM

41 Photos

what i don't understand is why you guys are talking about whether the dog's ears were cut right (or not at all), instead of talking about how far it'd run after being doused in kerosene and set ablaze.

Dogs are my favorite pets, but this fucker deserves a harsh death.

5/3/2006 8:44:37 PM

1 Photos

So you're all telling me that my dog could just all of the sudden go bad and attack me?

I'm not going to say that certain dogs are not naturally more agressive than others, but to say that a dog that's been well trained and treated right might suddenly attack someone familiar to them is insane. How often had the dog been around him before the bite? Did the dog show an aggressive attitude towards strangers?

It's not impossible for it to happen but it's extremely unlikely that dogs will attack people unless they're abused, taught to be mean, provoked, or have a disease like rabbies.

I trust my dog more than I trust most of the people I know.

[Edited by breakerfalls on 5/3/2006 4:31:16 PM. Reason for edit: .]

5/3/2006 9:22:25 PM

1 Photos

I'm not trying to take the role of that PETA freak chick that posted on everyone animal pictures.

It's just that I've been a dog lover all my life and find it hard to believe any well trained dog suddenly turned on a person for no good reason, even if it was a dog that's naturally agressive like pitbills.

[Edited by breakerfalls on 5/3/2006 4:34:49 PM. Reason for edit: .]

5/3/2006 9:23:48 PM

57 Photos

Dogs are supposed to attack people.

GG, dog ftw.

5/4/2006 1:45:06 AM

110 Photos

quote :

5. Pit Bulls tend to LOVE people. All people.

see pic below:

5/4/2006 2:00:47 AM

1 Photos

thanku for everything you have said. i still dont justify want happened.. and i still feel very bad about it all...

5/4/2006 3:51:40 AM

110 Photos

you are lucky that the animal had "a moment of alternate thought" on a full sized adult. had it decided that it was going to go crazy on a 2 yr old, you would be sitting in jail right now.

yes they do love people, they find them tasty.

5/4/2006 11:48:32 AM

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