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old school 
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about 2 yrs ago...LOOK AT HOW PRETTY MY HAIR LOOKED?!?!! thats the look im goin for now but it's going painfully slow :(
443 Photos

That sofa is from Rooms To Go...

5/6/2006 3:03:22 PM

271 Photos

Very cute pic!

The dreidel decoration in the background reminds me of Hanukkah back in NJ- I miss home.

[Edited by KingPin on 5/6/2006 11:39:51 PM. Reason for edit: .]

5/7/2006 4:37:37 AM

146 Photos

Jew look great!

5/7/2006 9:25:39 AM

707 Photos

long hair = yes

5/7/2006 9:44:26 AM

271 Photos

^Agreed! The long hair looks great!

[Edited by KingPin on 5/7/2006 11:06:27 AM. Reason for edit: .]

5/7/2006 4:05:45 PM

87 Photos

My gf is hott.

5/7/2006 5:33:40 PM

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