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hockey time! 
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253 Photos

Woah!! I'm soo jealous... where is this? Looks like this rink near my grandparents house in White Plains, NY.

12/19/2005 2:07:50 AM

the big o
43 Photos

its in saint joseph, MI. u like hockey? u should come play with me! hehe

[Edited by the big o on 12/18/2005 9:35:39 PM. Reason for edit: .]

12/19/2005 2:35:23 AM

253 Photos

Yes I do!!! I play in Brandon for one of the adult teams. Season starts in Jan.

I have some pics of me messing around in my equip on the bottom of my gallery

[Edited by Roxygirl27 on 12/18/2005 9:49:10 PM. Reason for edit: ...]

12/19/2005 2:48:31 AM

146 Photos

Hockey rules, indeed.

12/19/2005 2:49:12 AM

53 Photos

Hockey is fantastic, I just need to learn how to play

12/19/2005 2:56:32 AM

146 Photos

I plan on playing against Staci, and knocking her down.


12/19/2005 3:02:23 AM

94 Photos

lol @ the guy in the blackhawks jersey

12/19/2005 3:03:06 AM

253 Photos

Kiss my ass Gregg. I could skate circles around you biotch!

12/19/2005 3:06:46 AM

146 Photos

Brooke: Fe...male? So a woman is a male with a fe? What the hell is a fe?
Me: Fe is for "inFErior."

12/19/2005 3:09:51 AM

49 Photos

OMG it is outside!

12/19/2005 3:15:45 AM

44 Photos

I saw Staci play, she was animal and had the most fans there.

My favorite part was when the boards attacked her and grabbed her legs, and she fell. But, she showed them who was the boss.

<3 u staci! i want to play in an outdoor rink!

12/19/2005 5:07:18 AM

3 Photos

God I want to play on an outdoor rink soo bad!

12/29/2005 5:00:40 AM

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