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Gallery » the big o
blonde again! 
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10 Photos

Damn hit me up on AIM

10/24/2005 11:29:26 PM

271 Photos


10/24/2005 11:35:52 PM

1 Photos

LOL@both of you.

10/24/2005 11:46:11 PM

1 Photos

you should meat my weiner, but watch spits!

10/24/2005 11:47:09 PM

1 Photos

where have u been girl?!

10/25/2005 3:58:00 AM

1 Photos

She now lives in St. Joseph, Michigan.

10/25/2005 10:16:52 AM

the big o
43 Photos

sorry jen, my computer is broken and has been for like 2 months now, so i can only get online when im at my friends place...but kat, i love you, thanks babe! wow ivy youre on top of how ya doin babe? im not sure if i added you on my friend list yet or not on myspace...u talked to dave recently? give us some myspace luv k?! oh and for would you know...hahaha

10/25/2005 6:42:17 PM

1 Photos

I added you on myspace (as you already know, lol), yes, I have talked to Dave recently. And I gotta say, this blonde is looking really, really awesome on you. I have a thing for blondes. ;)

10/26/2005 5:40:56 AM

63 Photos

you look amazing in this picture!!!

10/26/2005 8:10:00 AM

48 Photos

i <3 u

10/26/2005 8:36:10 AM

the big o
43 Photos

hmm well goos thing u do ivy...hehe. the 3 of us will definatley have to get together sometime! hehe. and kathleen i miss you! thank u...rememer that shirt? i wore it for the baby shower way back in the day...hehe. good times. and jmorris...uh... i <3 u 2 ?!!! haha do i kno u?

10/30/2005 3:09:17 PM

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