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Gallery » angelgurl121
nate doing a keg stand at the beta tailgate 
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90 Photos

10/8/2005 9:00:01 AM

No Idea
27 Photos

haha i was gonna writethe same thing but u beat me...i didn't even know they were a fraternity

10/8/2005 9:23:36 AM

18 Photos

You are fucking gay, oh my god, you might be the biggest douche bag i have ever seen. Get a life and get off of usfbs. That is all.

10/13/2005 7:20:19 PM

223 Photos

i like the beta's
they're awesome......

10/20/2005 5:45:14 PM

223 Photos

Yea and he stayed up on that keg for a while

10/24/2005 7:33:03 AM

93 Photos


i didnt know that btpie existed till this year...
and on top of that...they have a house too...wierd

10/24/2005 7:36:00 AM

223 Photos

aww sam i am sorry u have missed out then....the beta's are awesome....that's ok bc they are well known bc obviously all these people know them that's y they mentioned something about them....

Dont hate bc u aint

11/3/2005 5:22:22 AM

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