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Gallery » k10atusf
Beach babes 
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Me and my bf Kate on the beach in MD.
94 Photos

your boyfriend is a chick!

10/8/2005 12:26:01 AM

146 Photos

Eastern Shore?

10/8/2005 12:29:06 AM

g funk09
1 Photos

How tall are you?

10/8/2005 1:11:21 AM

1 Photos


10/8/2005 5:27:17 AM

1 Photos

shes like 5'8 or some shit.

10/8/2005 5:28:24 AM

707 Photos

no, no

10/8/2005 7:26:44 AM

g funk09
1 Photos

I want her to tell me.

[Edited by g funk09 on 10/8/2005 1:35:56 PM. Reason for edit: drunk]

10/8/2005 9:06:10 AM

94 Photos

^^ i think she looks like a female version of pete

10/8/2005 5:22:16 PM

g funk09
1 Photos

pete is pretty cute though.

10/8/2005 6:37:05 PM

39 Photos

Uh ok! I'm 5'8" tru tru. However, my bf(best friend) is def. a girl! I hope i don't look like a boy! yikes!! oh wells. Oh and it's at Ocean City! yay

[Edited by k10atusf on 10/9/2005 4:46:13 PM. Reason for edit: forgot somein]

10/9/2005 9:44:25 PM

94 Photos

do you have an older, taller and high/drunk brother named pete?

10/9/2005 9:55:05 PM

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