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76 Photos that a 360 modena? who dares to drive it up on a 2 in.-high curb?? ahhh!!

8/15/2004 8:06:03 AM

17 Photos

im sure if you have the money for that, you have the money to fix a side skirt or two.

8/15/2004 8:10:11 AM

76 Photos

pff, i suppose so.......there's a ferrari/maserati in Panama now, and i couldn't imagine those cars being driven on those narrow, unlevel roads...CUH-RAZY!

[Edited by ang70x7 on 8/15/2004 3:17:23 AM. Reason for edit: ...keys]

[Edited by ang70x7 on 8/15/2004 3:17:49 AM. Reason for edit: DEALER*]

8/15/2004 8:16:55 AM

7 Photos

I was in New Orleans which has really narrow streets. But if I had one, I wouldn't even leave it parked outside!

8/16/2004 4:26:06 PM

1 Photos

Yeah as much as I would love to have a car like that, I couldn't picture myself driving it to the mall or the supermarket without leaving someone to watch it. I don't know, where could I drive it and feel safe, besides around the corner and back home =\ To many assholes/bad drivers around here for a car like that.

8/16/2004 4:33:26 PM

76 Photos

::snickers:: speaking of bad drivers...if u see a chik in a black honda accord coupe..w/the windows down n sunroof open (during fair weather)..n a german flag in the front...IT'S MEEE! I'm really not that bad of a driver..the road rage surfaces every so often.

8/16/2004 5:25:14 PM

1 Photos

It's cool, I got a tire iron. I'll be gentle ;)

8/16/2004 6:14:44 PM

17 Photos

i hear you on that one Dan, i can barely drive my car around campus without someone sticking their nose out in front of me then stoping , almost backing into me, and not to mention how many dings i now have from ass holes opening their doors into mine. i cant wait till i get a daily driver piece of crap car so i can park this one.

8/16/2004 7:51:13 PM

76 Photos

^^^spread the word, blue!

[Edited by ang70x7 on 8/16/2004 4:17:02 PM. Reason for edit: j/informing idiots on the retarded things they do while operating their vehicles.]

8/16/2004 8:07:09 PM

17 Photos

Will do................... what word am i spreading again?

8/16/2004 9:09:38 PM

1 Photos

Oh and they think that after 2am the traffic light laws aren't in effect.

8/16/2004 10:14:06 PM

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