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Gallery » iTasteDeathInU
broken hearted 
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Seth Angelus
6 Photos

VV what he said

[Edited by Seth Angelus on 1/27/2005 4:09:46 PM. Reason for edit: yeh]

1/27/2005 9:02:20 PM

1 Photos

Darlin, it is with deepest regards that I regret to inform you that this site is not like FTJ/WTD/RealPics/HotorNot, or any other of those forms of sites you can think of. You will be torn to pieces for posting pics such as these. I am not saying stop posting them, but, please, think before you click, everyone has to look at this.


1/27/2005 9:03:13 PM

82 Photos


^^^ Get a higher res camera, whore.

[Edited by diclophis on 1/27/2005 4:08:00 PM. Reason for edit: i mean this in the nicest way possible]

1/27/2005 9:06:19 PM

20 Photos

why, Rachel? I cant even see nipplage

1/27/2005 10:33:50 PM

89 Photos

eh :/

1/27/2005 10:47:19 PM

226 Photos

rachel, why you gotta hate all the time, jeez, if a girl wants to be naked, or at least hold her hands across her breast then let it be.

1/27/2005 11:26:29 PM

1 Photos

I am talking about her total collection of photos OSCAR. Just, eh. They are all just so, eh.

1/27/2005 11:33:05 PM

226 Photos

Rach you just got a better quality cam, I can point to a dozen pics in your gallery that are hazy and ish.

1/27/2005 11:56:35 PM

1 Photos

^no oscar, what i think rachel means is that this girl is giving the label "attention whore" an even worse meaning.

1/28/2005 2:27:12 AM

1 Photos

Go ahead and point to them Oscar seing as how I cleaned out my gallery a while ago and yes, Meg, that is what I am doing.

1/28/2005 3:47:06 AM

1 Photos

wow. lets chat sometime !!!!!

9/7/2005 9:05:21 PM

90 Photos

Your e-game is top notch. Keep up the good work buddy.

9/7/2005 9:09:58 PM

1 Photos

he's getting better at it

9/7/2005 9:15:02 PM

28 Photos


This guy has stalker written all over him.
Who asks people to chat anymore?

9/7/2005 9:26:59 PM

1 Photos

random photo'd

2/8/2007 6:13:47 AM

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