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Me and Apu  
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Me and Apu at the Masquerade ball
0 Photos

Staci you are such a hypocrite I thought you would have my back but instead talk shit about me too. You know I'm a nice guy come on you practically lived in our suite. These people are just write shit about just to piss me off I didn't start saying anything about them. They are just fucking with to get a kick out of it

7/14/2005 1:28:10 AM

73 Photos

Its Staaaaci

ANd Cuban: SHUT UP JEEEZE...You posting 50pics of dan with the same stupid caption aint funny :/

[Edited by Lucky_Starz211 on 7/13/2005 8:54:04 PM. Reason for edit: hahaha i shouldnt of been sleeping during english >.<]

7/14/2005 1:40:23 AM

253 Photos

Arturo, I know you are a nice guy. I don't know why you are doing this. It's stupid, get over it. I don't even understand what started the whole thing. Let it go whatever it was, it's pointless. It's internet stuff, it's funny and means nothing.Take none of it seriously. And I'm not a hypocrite. Just let it all go and get over it. They have enough on you as it is.

Aida.... sorry, I have to. It's Staci. lol. We have to hang out when I come back. I think we'd have lots of fun being silly and dancing around hehehee

7/14/2005 1:48:16 AM

73 Photos

haha its cool, thanks for telling me though or I woulda been adding that e for eva >.< Haha

7/14/2005 1:54:34 AM

253 Photos

lol there are so many ways to spell my name... I should make a list haha

7/14/2005 1:55:52 AM

1 Photos

staci, stacy, stacie, staceigh, is there more?

7/14/2005 4:57:44 AM

73 Photos


7/14/2005 5:00:09 AM

1 Photos

that would be good if she becomes famous lol, it's like her name, but with an attitude

7/14/2005 5:01:38 AM

253 Photos

So when I become a famous singer or figure skater or well known neurosurgeon I can thank Aida for my name

Wait, I doubt anyone would go see a neurosurgeon with the name Stay- C. hahaha

7/14/2005 5:20:21 AM

73 Photos

hahaha we should become rappin Pirates, haha YOu'd be Stay-C but who'd I be?

7/14/2005 5:22:40 AM

1 Photos


7/14/2005 5:29:14 AM

253 Photos

hahhaha that's funny

7/14/2005 5:36:45 AM

1 Photos

but should it be stay-C and A-duh, A-duh and stay-C? i think it should be "lets here it for A-duh and stay-CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC" lol

7/14/2005 6:13:19 AM

253 Photos

And you will be J-Dawg.

7/14/2005 6:16:14 AM

1 Photos

now THAT has a nice ring to it

7/14/2005 7:58:22 AM

1 Photos

r u mocking our new kewl names?

7/14/2005 8:06:49 AM

253 Photos

^^^ it does, doesn't it... I like it

7/14/2005 5:16:21 PM

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7/14/2005 9:10:45 PM

75 Photos

he wants to know if he is like Apu from the Simpsons

7/14/2005 9:39:23 PM

253 Photos

Hahha no, his real name is David. He was an exchange student from Mexico that lived across from me in Epsilon last year. We just called him Apu cus it was funny.

7/14/2005 9:43:58 PM

1 Photos

when he bones, does he use the phrase "thank u, cum again" lol

7/14/2005 10:25:08 PM

49 Photos


7/14/2005 10:29:49 PM

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hahahahhaha next time I talk to him I'll ask

hhahah still laughing

7/14/2005 11:00:51 PM

1 Photos

some words can be so much fun lol, like 'weiner' for instance, as long as i live, that word will always be funny

7/14/2005 11:14:37 PM

253 Photos

omg the word "moist".... everytime i hear that word it like makes me ahhh.... i dunno, just something about that word just skeeves me out lol

7/14/2005 11:34:20 PM

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