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A drug lord's house 
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i'ts no joke, he was killed and the house sits empty now... this is in Colombia
119 Photos

My type of house!

1/9/2005 10:40:29 PM

108 Photos's go live in it!

1/9/2005 11:09:57 PM

707 Photos

Makes me wanna sell drugs...

1/9/2005 11:32:00 PM

15 Photos

Crack and Ice could get you that, and it would take you one year depending how you do it... Contact Afrowanksta at his AIM (same as name) to get set-up.

1/10/2005 4:59:51 AM

Liquid Anubis
1 Photos

thats a drug lords castle

1/10/2005 5:06:57 AM

41 Photos

"First you get the money. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, you get the women."

1/10/2005 6:55:31 AM

97 Photos

haha didnt they film a "novela" there?.. I've seen that before.

6/5/2005 7:51:40 AM

110 Photos

carlos escobar's house?

6/5/2005 8:22:55 AM

26 Photos

if thats a shack ill take it, must be cheap

6/5/2005 5:13:14 PM

97 Photos

haha +1 (at santoro)

6/5/2005 5:28:27 PM

17 Photos

Shit, let's all go squat there.

6/5/2005 5:40:01 PM

26 Photos

yea what are squaters right down in columbia?? is it a time thing or is it if you dont get shot its yours?

6/5/2005 11:12:36 PM

97 Photos

this house belonged to a well known drug lord in Bogota. can't think of his name though

6/6/2005 12:22:08 AM

0 Photos

You can tell whoever this druglord was, was always poor and all of the sudden got all this money and had no idea what to do with it... Who in their right mind builds a castle for a house...? It is so typical of new rich people...

[Edited by orgoca on 6/5/2005 9:26:44 PM. Reason for edit: He is dead now, so I changed "is" for "was'... And now I sleep in peace knowing that I am not getting shot for calling him a newricher...]

6/6/2005 2:17:32 AM

110 Photos

quote :

this house belonged to a well known drug lord in Bogota. can't think of his name though

ok it cant be escobar, he hung out in medellin

6/6/2005 4:33:02 AM

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