293 Photos
just out of curiosity, are you supposed to tuck your thumbs into your fists? If so why do you do that?
6/25/2005 6:36:55 AM
32 Photos
well, here's the thing with the thumb tuck...i learned how to pose from seeing pictures of and watching the pros...ronnie coleman, jay cutler, etc....and i picked up on the thumb tucking, so thats why i do it. i try to mirror my poses after those guys, because, fact of the matter is, who better to mirror? you know? they've been doing it for years, and they're the pros, they're the top guys, so they obviously know what they're doing. i noticed at the tampa show i was just in that a lot of guys didn't do that. i think i was the only one, that i remember seeing at least. so thats the deal with that. as far as why they do it, i have no clue. i just always thought it was the proper way to pose, because the pros did it that way. i actually think it looks better anyways. what do you think?
6/25/2005 11:48:54 PM