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...looking at my boobies!
49 Photos

smoking is bad.

6/22/2005 4:32:24 PM

1 Photos

I agree. I hear it makes teeth yellow.

6/22/2005 4:34:23 PM

49 Photos

Yep, and it also promotes tooth loss.

and gives you periodontal disease

and makes your lungs black.

and makes you smell gross.

and increases your cancer risk.

and gives you a huge jump start in the race of heart disease.

and increases your LDL's.

and they dump a lot of free radicals into your body.

and a bunch of other stuff, but if I don't shut up, I'll be here all day!

and they cost a lot, so you are actually paying for a sooner death.

Smoking is brilliant, eh?

[Edited by Sk8aBull on 6/22/2005 11:47:28 AM. Reason for edit: :)]

6/22/2005 4:47:07 PM

1 Photos

Rachel has s twin?!

6/22/2005 4:47:21 PM

the big o
43 Photos

yeah, get it right! wait a min...why isnt either of the two working for me then? DAMNIT! haha thanks for all the great health advice. unfortunately ladies, ive heard that all before. and still, for some reason i dont give A FLYING fuck.

6/26/2005 6:08:20 PM

41 Photos

quote :

Smoking makes you look cooler and lose weight.

if only that were true...

10/25/2005 1:27:32 AM

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