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2005-06 SunDolls Team 
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93 Photos

you guys get paid for doing this?

4/30/2005 2:26:49 AM

66 Photos

lordy i wish.... ahh but we do get a $5oo scholarship at the end of the year this time

4/30/2005 2:31:00 AM

99 Photos

^^You can't put a dollar value on thousands of guys staring at you at sporting events

4/30/2005 2:01:23 PM

40 Photos

<3 Dance

4/30/2005 10:04:51 PM

93 Photos


4/30/2005 11:15:43 PM

66 Photos

shoulda auditioned!

5/1/2005 10:54:34 PM

44 Photos

sundolla are way cooler than the cheerleaders and way hotter

5/9/2005 9:09:52 AM

47 Photos

I though sundolls were the girls who couldn't make the cheer team...huh...

5/9/2005 8:59:10 PM

1 Photos

Aww. My little sister tried out for the Crimson Dolls at the school she's going to next year and didn't make it. I hope she doesn't give up and tries again, because despite the negative stereotypes that circulate, it's a wholesome activity to be involved in.

5/10/2005 12:29:33 AM

2 Photos

This girl (Lindsey) is one of the most wholesome girls I've ever met so the negative sterotypes are deminishing.. Personally i consider the Sundolls to be a little more skilled than the cheerleaders. Plus you can't get any better than hot girls wearing hot outfits and doing hot dance routines

5/10/2005 12:40:21 AM

47 Photos

hell yeah, girls out there dancing for 500 bucks in skimpy outfits....I'm sure that's what our fore fathers faught

5/10/2005 4:24:29 AM

35 Photos

a little more skilled.....umm..lets just not compare....we both cheer for the bulls at the games and have plenty of school spirit...i may not be a cheerleader anymore, but we both have equal skills at what we do.

5/10/2005 4:52:00 AM

226 Photos

More skilled??? You can't compare dancers to cheerleaders. I danced for 13 years and have cheered since the 8th grade (i'm a USF cheerleader)... so I think I'm quite qualified to say that they are very, very different disciplines. I guarantee the majority of sundolls could not do a standing back tuck (our minimum requirement) just as many of our cheerleaders probably couldn't do fuettes. But to say the sundolls are more skilled than us is just plain bs, considering the USF All-Girl cheerleading squad is currently ranked 4th in the entire nation and has held that ranking for 2 years (3 years ago they were 3rd)...but yeah, like Patti said, I'm not sure why you people are even comparing the cheerleaders to the dance team...last time I checked, we were ALL USF Bulls

[Edited by chicky9914 on 5/10/2005 12:01:47 AM. Reason for edit: k]

5/10/2005 4:59:27 AM

66 Photos

Yeah... please dont compare... I've done both and they really they are two completely different sports. They both require a great amount of discipline, strength, and dedication... but the skills are very very different. Its just unfair to put them in the same category.

5/10/2005 6:08:20 AM

66 Photos

you shouldnt bring up the competition ranking though also b/c you guys only competed against about 11 teams.... and we competed against 24 other teams - so it doesnt even compare again.

5/10/2005 6:21:09 AM

40 Photos

well said Jenna
I danced in high school and I know theres no way in Hell i could do half the stuff i have see you do! I give props to both teams. They are both amazing and talented in their own skills.

[Edited by megzie21 on 5/10/2005 11:10:44 AM. Reason for edit: i dunno]

5/10/2005 4:09:39 PM

226 Photos

Sorry I wasn't meaning it to sound like THAT...I was just trying to show YourBestBet that the cheerleaders at our school happen to be very good too. Didn't intend for it to sound that way...also, MonteCarlo- "cheer dancing" and "dance dancing" are waaaayyyy different. Most of those girls have been dancing their entire lives doing a lot of technical training, whereas cheer dancing is a lot more street influenced and easier to learn than the technical stuff.

5/10/2005 4:31:07 PM

2 Photos

alright i get the point.. i guess it's like comparing drummers with guitar players..
i'd just rather see a girl dance than cheer is all.

5/10/2005 11:26:24 PM

66 Photos

its okay miller..

5/11/2005 1:00:08 AM

226 Photos

None of the Sundolls do either!

5/11/2005 2:33:33 AM

1 Photos

hi lindsey! haha i JUST put this picture up on my page...yeah sundolls!

6/21/2005 5:55:40 PM

103 Photos

quote :

you shouldnt bring up the competition ranking though also b/c you guys only competed against about 11 teams.... and we competed against 24 other teams - so it doesnt even compare again.

Not to sound like I'm trying to put you guys down at all... rather, just giving my team the credit we deserve... The number of teams at the competition is no reflection of the number of teams we beat. You know that there are MANY teams who submit tapes but do not even qualify to compete. Also, most Universities have a dance team... its pretty standard. Collegiate All Girl cheerleading is fairly new. USF is one of a few schools who doesn't do the whole "JV/Varsity" thing. Instead, its all girl/coed. Of course the dance division will be larger... there is a much higher demand at this point. We work just as hard as you guys do. I know you guys see us sacrificing our Christmas breaks to spend ALL DAY in the gym practicing... so please don't make it seem like our 4th place out of the 13, who actually made it to nationals, isn't as good as your semi-final performance in a division with 24 teams. (HONESTLY, no sarcasm intended)

[Edited by USFCheerBull13 on 6/21/2005 5:55:31 PM. Reason for edit: .]

6/21/2005 8:58:02 PM

226 Photos

Yay goooo all-girl!

6/22/2005 4:02:34 AM

66 Photos

blah. no comparisions! Both teams deserve respect, both teams work their asses off. period.

6/23/2005 7:22:39 AM

2 Photos

I'm getting all these lame turf-war flashbacks from "Bring It On"

6/23/2005 8:14:42 AM

275 Photos

as somebody who attends just about every sporting event here at usf routinely (can be found at mens basketball games in the front center court goin crazy) both the Sundolls and the All-Girls Squad as well as the Co-ed Squads deserve respect, both compete and it looks like in order to get their cheers down or their dance moves, they gotta put in alot of practice. i commend you ladies and gentlemen for being part of the spirit squads here at USF, wish more people had your spirit

9/7/2005 12:17:41 AM

1 Photos

lovely ladies, if i'd stayed in dance, i was gonna retrain to try out for the team i luv u're routines, they're awesome!

9/7/2005 12:19:26 AM

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