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Xylina and I 
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This is me and Xylina inside Hooter's.... did you know they have some AWESOME quesadilla's??? :)
2 Photos

lol jojo bear went to hooooooooooooooters... this is a really cute pic! kick some ass tonite at lotus! wish i could be there :*( make sure somebody takes some pics!!!

4/16/2005 11:03:52 PM

14 Photos

I'm a hottie? Take a look in the mirror.

6/15/2005 7:09:51 AM

5 Photos

Jo, you're gorgeous.

6/15/2005 4:32:21 PM

31 Photos

NO, youre perfect

6/30/2005 11:58:30 PM

146 Photos

You were at Greg and Debs/the other couples party last week. You threw it down! wtf are you hanging out with weirdos like us?


7/1/2005 12:02:45 AM

Hot Dancer
66 Photos

Lol, I can be a weirdo every once-in-a-while. hahaha. i had fun. We all did.

Go Hooters!!!(gimme some wings)

7/5/2005 3:29:59 AM

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