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28 Photos

SECOND that vote......a2b spilly.....BUSH RULES

[Edited by thebaby on 1/21/2004 9:13:30 PM. Reason for edit: bush rules]

1/22/2004 2:12:27 AM

4 Photos

I'll vote twice against both of your votes (thats four.)

1/22/2004 2:29:54 AM

81 Photos

You're kiddin right? Please tell me you are...

1/22/2004 2:45:00 AM

35 Photos


1/22/2004 8:27:10 PM

124 Photos

Whos the fucking man! Strategery!

1/22/2004 8:27:59 PM

1 Photos

so all democrats are liberal tree hugging hippies?

1/22/2004 8:35:26 PM

136 Photos

I don't know, George Washington was a pretty good president. So was FDR and Truman. And, while a complete fool, Gerald Ford actually was a good president; he didn't do anything, and that is just what the country needed at the time: nothing.

But fuck Bush, both of them. Truman is my boy.

1/22/2004 8:42:23 PM

124 Photos

Fuck Bush, Fuck bush...are you serious man....hes prob the only reason you're alive right now mo-fugga. Someone had to clean clinton's mess up.....think Truman coulda done that!

1/22/2004 8:46:13 PM

81 Photos

Its not just Democrats that hate bush.

And why is he alive because of Bush? Because bush invaded a country that posed no threat to the US in the least and stripped him of human rights? I don't see your logic in this. Well, I guess I shouldn't expect any. If you had any you would not support that moron for president.

1/22/2004 8:51:00 PM

124 Photos

well if you really want to you could make a case on every president being a moron. But yes, that is why! Or maybe we should just let terrorists go about their way......brilliant burns!

1/22/2004 8:58:39 PM

136 Photos

First off, I may be liberal but felt that Sadam being taken out was a good thing. He was a mass murderer along the lines of Hitler and Stalin. Also I don't think we invaded because of oil. However, now we are stuck fixing what we ended up fucking up, and quite frankly, I would rather have our tax dollars going into improving our dwindling education rather than helping out some Iraqis.

And what mess did Clinton make? Last I checked, the economy was going as well as it had been for a long time with Clinton in charge. Next thing I know is that Bush is president and the economy has gone to shit, although now it is slowly coming back. And how would I not be alive? You actually think if Gore had been president, a man who actually served in a war, not just in the "Texas Airborn Reserve", that somehow America would not be here?

And could Truman have done that? Hell yeah he could have. Last time I checked Truman ended a World War, not lead us nearly into one.

1/22/2004 9:07:03 PM

81 Photos

I’m sorry I contradict your constant FOX news feed; but you really need to stop feeding your delusions.

1/22/2004 9:09:28 PM

124 Photos

One question you selfish fucks. What good dos it do to have a booming economy when the rest of the world is going to shit, gathering weapons to take us out, and planning to drop the twin towers! Hey, but its always good to have an extra 25 cents in your pocket...idiots!

[Edited by Camron68 on 1/22/2004 4:30:41 PM. Reason for edit: F]

1/22/2004 9:29:42 PM

81 Photos

YEAH YOU GUYS! And what good is a decent health care sytem that doesn't give Corporate giants the money instead of providing health care? And what good is freedom wehn you can take it away in the name of "safety'?

1/22/2004 9:41:18 PM

4 Photos

What good is a fucking tax cut for the rich?

1/22/2004 9:44:56 PM

37 Photos


just. wow.

1/22/2004 9:47:42 PM

124 Photos

I got my $300 and im not rich! Take away freedom, we're taking away freedom. I cant get on a plane without having a cavity search and im supposed to be concerned with someone elses freedom! I think you guys are just obsessed with having a different opinion, instead of facing the facts......and to answer a previous question, you are def a tree huggin bastid!

1/22/2004 9:53:44 PM

0 Photos

LoL This dude makes up words, burns environmental treaties with some of our most trusted allies, gets all excited when he says words with more than 3 syllables without messing up and he's the greatest president ever? I'm with him on taking out Saddam but DAMN! Now the whole world is pissed off at us AGAIN.

Honestly the terrorists were coming for us way before Bush so you can't blame that on him but the way he handles somethings so brashly turn off alot of our usual supporters in the world and that is something we don't need.

And Truman would have whooped that ass, now THAT's a president!

[Edited by Vboy813 on 1/22/2004 5:51:05 PM. Reason for edit: lil added stuff]

[Edited by Vboy813 on 1/22/2004 5:51:54 PM. Reason for edit: Damn typo hiding from me]

1/22/2004 10:50:32 PM

Da O Show
3 Photos

So sad. Somebody should really read their history books before they go and post a dumb ass picture and comment like that. You dont even know half the shit this economy is going to go through in the next 3 years. You will probably be getting a loan to pay for your books.

1/22/2004 11:47:12 PM

136 Photos

Vboy - I concur.

Cam - I guess I am a tree-hugging bastid if I think that drilling ofr oil in the AWLR is a waste and hostile to the envrionment, especially when you consider it will only last us about 50 years and the second that runs low, then we will finally see non-fossil fuel powered automobiles come out in full steam (pardon the pun).

Also, the whole world was not planning on taking us out and the twin towers. It was a radical group primarily from Saudi Arabia, and could you please answer me why we don't attack them, when the majority of terrorists and funding for terrorists comes out of SA? And quite frankly I bet you were a bandwagon patriot the second the towers fell, proudly parading your American flag all over your vehicle and house. Where was the flag before? And before you say "I doubt you ever had a flad" I had an American flag bumber sticker, a classic rock station, a Free Tibet, and an Darwin Fish on my car. Now I just have a USF and come elections a Vote Cthulhu. And so what if I have to take off my belt in an airport. They should have had that security before then, especially at high schools. Remember Columbine? Lastly, call me greedy. I sorta want to have a job, money, and healthcare for my family and I, and not be forced to migrate to Sweeden.

1/22/2004 11:58:41 PM

4 Photos

"I'm right, and you're wrong. Here are my argument: I'm a bigger patriot than you, AND I ignore all world events besides whats on the 10 o' clock news. Beat that!"

1/23/2004 12:04:06 AM

124 Photos

Real Tranlation: I'm a Michael Moore listening to, un-patriotic bastid, who gives a shit about his own country and would rather make up bullshit opinions on what the worlds economy IS GOING to do in the future without having a clue of economic policy, or anything else for that matter!

1/23/2004 1:32:54 AM

37 Photos

how is anyone who dislikes bush and/or america [and whathaveyou] being unpatriotic?

1/23/2004 1:34:49 AM

Angry Buddah
21 Photos

Terrorism isnt a country against another country, timothy mcvay was a terrorist and an american. though removing sadam from power was a good thing for most of iraq, it wont do anything to stop terrorism because as along as people in this world dislike or dont agree with the united states terrorism will still occur. Regardless of how big or powerful our, or any nations army is, terrorists dont care. they have no country to attack and we cant find them until after they do something. the guy living in the room next to you on campus could be a terrorist plotting something even though he is from kentucky. its easy to confuse the notion of terrorism as the arabic people against the united states but the fact of the matter is terrorists can come from anywhere at anytime, and actions like bush took in invading iraq, dont do much to solve the real problem with terrorists, which is changing their dissalusioned minds about our nation and its goals. What has bush done for terrorism, nothing but take out one group which, last time i checked, is still to this day creating terror all over the world.

1/23/2004 1:39:24 AM

37 Photos

i guess you must like ribs and avoiding real discussion... just like the president. you guys can relate.

may i present to you... THIS:
i bid you adieu. [oh, that's a french word. ]

1/23/2004 3:54:35 AM

0 Photos

President Bush is a great president...maybe not the best ever, but he is still good for america....the economy is going better then ever and now the biggest companies like Enron aren't lying about their bottom lines, but are telling the truth.....and yes terrorists are still a threat and hopefully any president would go and fuck them up before they kill us again.......................Remember Bush may be the man in charge, but he can't handle everything...i think everyone will agree that America is doing better now than it has been for a long time....wether you are a democrat or a republican!!!

1/28/2004 9:26:01 AM

81 Photos

Bush had absoluteley nothing to do with the fall of enron. Actually, he gave all his pals at enron a big tax break and started the ball rolling for the huge defecit he created. HE squandered the surplus we had, created a defecit, and threw us into a war we had no justifiable reason for being in. I wouldn't say this man was goof for America or the world.

[Edited by burnsinat0r on 1/28/2004 1:10:10 PM. Reason for edit: typo]

1/28/2004 1:12:32 PM

50 Photos

Well, you have to concede that under Clinton the economy was booming. What the liberals don't see is that Clinton almost single handedly destoyed the military with a complete and total lack of funding. "let those who want peace, prepare for war"~unknown~ Do i really beleive that if we had better funding for the department of defense we could have prevented September 11th, YES!!!!!!!
On the other hand saying that George Bush is the greatest president ever is quite a bold statement. True greatness only stands the test of time and i just don't feel that his tenure could ever keep up with the likes of roosevelt.

1/28/2004 4:58:49 PM

0 Photos

C'mon now you guys let's not get crazy with it. Lowered funding to the military had nothing to do with 9-11. That plan had been in place for years before even Clinton got in office. The military has nothing to do with mid-air plane hijackings, they deal with external conflicts not internal intelligence and tracking, that's CIA and FBI territory.

And the economy is at it's best in years??? Get outta here man! I'm paying 1.61 for some premium and the economy is booming? Whole districts of schools are being closed and the economy is at its best?? The largest surplus this country had seen in over a quarter centruy dissapears in a matter of 2 years and the economy is strong??? No, No, and No. Bush isn't the worst (One guy died a month after being in office from pnuemonia because he was talking to long in a rainstorm during his inauguration) but DAMN is he messing up alot of stuff.

Konichiwa Bitches.

1/28/2004 5:09:05 PM

16 Photos

Lets see how great you think he is once you have no freedom left and you end up knowing people that die in the sand because Bush wanted to get re-elected cuz he couldnt find Osama...

1/28/2004 7:13:05 PM

81 Photos

1/29/2004 12:41:37 AM

136 Photos

I have always loved the conservative view that not liking George W. Bush and liking Michael Moore makes you unpatriotic, while not liking Bill Clinton and liking Rush Libaugh is perfectly acceptable.

1/29/2004 1:26:01 AM

4 Photos

I love how everyone thinks terrorists were going to walk into their fucking homes and snatch their babies if Bush didnt do something.

1/29/2004 1:30:02 AM

136 Photos

Forget Terrorists, I'm more afriad of the King of England.

Homer: "Lisa, without this gun, the King of England himself could walk into this house and push you around. You want that? Huh? You want that?"

1/29/2004 1:41:57 AM

4 Photos

2/9/2004 1:13:58 AM

31 Photos

Thats cool, but I dont get it.

2/9/2004 2:18:41 AM

4 Photos

It's a pretty bizarre site.

2/9/2004 2:25:57 AM

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