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Gallery » AfroWanksta
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I totally stole it from some guy on the interweb
37 Photos

i love you for loving this picture

2/20/2005 10:38:26 AM

129 Photos

its so intense. to the max.

2/20/2005 10:22:25 PM

234 Photos


2/20/2005 10:29:03 PM

146 Photos

Damn, even outta' the nose.

2/21/2005 1:39:10 AM

57 Photos

Do you think the guy in the middle just got punched, causing the guy on the left to throw up in the process, or do you think the guy in the middle is trying his hardest to pull a matrix and dodge the vomit?

I report, you decide.

2/22/2005 10:02:18 AM

3 Photos

lol @ "to the max"

2/23/2005 10:34:39 PM

75 Photos

^^nah hes definitely tryin to stay out of the path of the stream

i threw up like that once..........i was hungover and i chugged milk after i chugged ginger ale..........not smart

2/23/2005 10:44:04 PM

7 Photos

I'm thinking that vomit-dodger in the middle might have intercepted the puker as he desperately grabbed at the cup that the spectator was holding, possibly getting himself swiped in the ribs or shoulder. The expression on his face definitely says "whoa, I'm dodging a large volume of bile here," but it also says, "too bad I didn't get the fuck out of the way," which indicates a possible collision.

[Edited by browneyes on 2/23/2005 8:55:53 PM. Reason for edit: edit this clit]

2/23/2005 11:17:37 PM

1 Photos

HAHAHA - insane picture bro! Im suuure u would pull something out like this, hahaha. Now, to put my touch on the discussion...Id like to point out that the puker must be friends with the "Neo" - my matrix homeboy in the center, lol...b/c he seems to be trying to push him aside with and outstretched arm even in his moment of disarray. Furthermore, I wish the guy taking the picture had one of those multiple frame cameras (like the nature shows, lol), so we could really see what happens next... In my opinion, neo is about to retaliate with an aerial attack back on the puker -- he looks faded too and hes got all the signs of pre-puking!

12/7/2005 4:03:35 PM

57 Photos

You must be high, you analyzed this too much.

12/7/2005 10:04:56 PM

180 Photos

I <3 this picture

11/26/2006 3:30:04 PM

57 Photos

Somebody call it art so it starts making money.

11/27/2006 3:59:40 AM

226 Photos

looks like amberbock

11/29/2006 3:46:48 AM

21 Photos

^ bahaahhahahahahahaha

11/29/2006 5:06:16 AM

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