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Rico slamming Trillian on the floor! 
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*High Five!*
234 Photos

ah hahahaha

omg why is the inside of my mouth green

2/7/2005 6:22:17 AM

1 Photos

You're such a fat fag^^

LOL @ the guy who can't get laid so he takes it out on people who actually have friends (aka - Fagtoro)

2/7/2005 6:44:09 AM

234 Photos

hay guys lets just let it slide because im sure this kid would love to e-fight

2/7/2005 7:28:48 AM

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I'd run him over, but I only have a 4x4. I need a Mack truck to take out this whale.

*grabs harpoon gun*

2/7/2005 7:48:55 AM

61 Photos

I had the most awesome courtside seat for this one.
Of course, I had to dodge the crash of the roflcopter that Rico turned her into but...
Nevertheless, highly entertaining.

2/7/2005 8:13:58 AM

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I gotta say, though: someone said "do the Walls of Jericho!" and in my state of mind, that seemed like a fine thing to do.

2/7/2005 12:46:20 PM

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And neither will you, you bloated sack of shit. Your fat ass wouldn't even so much as glance at us if we walked past you.

2/7/2005 7:30:06 PM

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Of course I won't do shit. I'm merely pointing out how much of a hypocrite you are.

And I would never be able to get you into the Walls of Jericho, you're too fucking fat.

2/7/2005 7:42:20 PM

1 Photos

So what exactly is your problem, Justin?

2/7/2005 8:55:53 PM

136 Photos

Don't you guys know that Justin is really a nice guy, and everything he does is constant proof to this.

That or he is the biggest fucking poser on the earth.

2/7/2005 8:59:50 PM

1 Photos

Screams, homosexual?

You make me laugh. I know homoseuxals that are a hell of a lot more manly than you, and they're Drag Queens.

So come up with some new material to "bash" people with you fat fuck.

2/7/2005 9:09:26 PM

234 Photos


2/7/2005 10:36:41 PM

Liquid Anubis
1 Photos

time to chime in motherfucka!

quote :

GoD: Wow, you are trying to do the walls of Jerico, while wearing a Y2J shirt. Could you be any more of a nerd/homosexual????

obviously you know what that move is called, and which wrestler its done by. whos the homonerd now!? OH SHIZZLE BEEF!

2/8/2005 12:10:46 AM

Liquid Anubis
1 Photos

6th grade wtf!?


2/8/2005 12:37:50 AM

1 Photos

Owned, Justin? You owned me?

I have to feel stupid and/or slighted for an ownage to occur, and you can't profess that you owned anyone unless someone else agrees.

With that said, want to know what the true form of pathetic is?

Why you came up with the name GoD. You came up with it solely so you could hit on girls who were too good for you, because you were afraid that your e-game would get crushed by your use of your Santoro SN. In turn, you turned into an obsessive Fink-lite, and despite no one knowing that it was you, you were STILL made fun of. You're the one that started that whole "oh, why don't girls like me? I'm always nice to girls" tirade that made us make fun of you to begin with.

You're short-sighted, moronic, lazy, and petulant.

And despite what you say, all the threats you toss, it's all words. As the USFBullshitia says: "SantoroGT: Mostly Harmless, Completely Worthless."

Oh, and just so we're clear, there were twenty people watching me do that, laughing at the antics. The population of that audience involved people whom you have wished had seen things your way-- so they can't all be "losers" by your standards. So, considering that I did this in front of a whole bunch of friends, to a friend, in the presence of my girlfriend, well... the court rests its case! As for the shirt, I don't wear it because I'm a fan, I wear it because Jericho gave it to me and I support a friend.

[Edited by Sandman on 2/7/2005 7:59:09 PM. Reason for edit: There.]

2/8/2005 12:55:11 AM

1 Photos

1. Again, your perception of what your opinion matters to me has superimposed itself over reality, eh? My personal self esteem is at risk here, and you think that your personal opinion outweighs the opinion of 20 people that I like? Ha! The sheer thought is insulting.

2. May I direct people to KBabes galleries, you psycho obsessive-compulsive stalker you! Awwr.

3. Doner told me you didn't fight, and that you were pretty cool, and that some of the stuff you said online was false. He was speaking in regards of that little scuffle you had in the Greek Housing. You guessed that it was Doner who I had spoken to, and I acknowledged that it was, and yet, you constantly bring it up. I wonder why? It's not something that you have over my head, Justin.

4. I really enjoy boxing! In fact, people on USFBS have witnessed me training and the whatnot. I have even given introduction lessons to numerous people in the USF Gym, including some USFBSers.

5. Who crushed you? Did I say someone crushed you? Oh shit! You're coming with shit out of your ass again. I get the name of the game.

6. If the whole Jericho thing seems a little farfetched, I'll offer this as a compensation: you owning a company sounds like a farce. Despite it being true or not, it doesn't matter.

7. Actually, the site has 17% of students attending USF. The fact that this thing is filled with my friends, boyoboy, that's a lot of people (a lot aren't my friends, though).

8. YOU THINK I'M A GOD AROUND HERE?!?! Neato. Santoro, you just gave me the best compliment today. You're such a sweetheart!

2/8/2005 1:23:50 AM

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BTW: I would like to paint the picture as to why Santoro hates me so much.

1. I'm hispanic.

2. I crossed him because he is a verbally abusive bastards towards women.

2/8/2005 1:29:36 AM

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No thanks, Andrew. ^_^

2/8/2005 2:07:55 AM

20 Photos

hey uh, Justin. There would be no point to continue to argue this matter any further, for your sake. You lost before Rico even responded to your initial comment.

Why must you start shit? There was absolutely no need for it.

2/8/2005 4:14:04 AM

234 Photos

santoro to be nice plz

2/8/2005 4:41:04 AM

1 Photos

Wow, lame comebacks hurt.

And as Rico said, pictures are taken in fun. If your mind perceives things homo-erotically, so be it.

I hope you make some friends one day who are as ultra cool as yourself!

[Edited by MattyBoy on 2/8/2005 2:10:01 AM. Reason for edit: fagmo]

2/8/2005 7:07:23 AM

234 Photos

the rest of you to stfu plz

2/8/2005 7:09:39 AM

180 Photos

Great bedtime read! Santoro is always welcome in my threads/pictures!

2/8/2005 8:23:08 AM

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