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After attack on city of Falluja a platoon in my Company had to do a clean up of the city...clear out all dead bodies to make the city liveable again. GS Company, 6th Motor Transport Battalion, USMC.
222 Photos

wow ... these pictures show the side most people don't see. Just had a reality check ...

1/25/2005 2:32:55 PM

9 Photos

based on the blood trail it looks like he was trying to crawl away haha

1/25/2005 4:11:45 PM

37 Photos

Yeha... its nice to see that- not. I know its reality, but somethings are just hard to stomache.

1/25/2005 5:45:18 PM

44 Photos

God has a hard-on for Marines because they kill everything they see! He plays His games, Marines play theirs! To show appreciation for so much power, Marines keep heaven packed with fresh souls!


1/25/2005 7:15:20 PM

234 Photos

i spy a perfectly good shoe

1/25/2005 7:46:13 PM

65 Photos

His hand is gonna get a sun burn!

1/25/2005 10:01:36 PM

14 Photos

quote :

This caption should read, "Don't Fuck With America."

Who said this guy fucked with America? I must have missed the story behind his being mangled.

1/25/2005 10:40:51 PM

234 Photos

much like a stupid dead wigger

1/26/2005 12:35:31 AM

110 Photos

these exact same pictures were on about a month or 2 ago.

1/26/2005 2:39:59 AM

35 Photos

On orgish really? Well, my buddy has the same exact pictures on his digital camera...and the street that these buildings are on were walked down by myself. My buddy has posted these pictures else where on the internet...orgish may have taken them from there. About them being two months ago...I dont know about that...our operation on Fallujah occured the last few weeks of December...these dead terrorist died no sooner than that...believe me. ;)

1/26/2005 12:58:07 PM

35 Photos

VersaTaur04, you asked..."Who said this guy fucked with America? I must have missed the story behind his being mangled."

First of all, I think I made a mistake posting all these graffic pictures.
But my reason behind it is that I am in Iraq right now, I wanted to save these pictures, and I cannot email them to my self because for some reason Hotmail will not allow me to email pictures from my internet source/location.
I am sorry if these pictures offend anyone, and as soon as I get home to save them to my computer thise pictures will be deleted from this website.

Okay...this guy "fucked with America" simply by shooting at United States Marines. Its as simple as that. You shoot at me, and I will not hesitate to blow your ass clean off the face of this planet. This middle eastern fellow (they are not all Iraqi) had an RPG in his arms moments before he died. It was either him or a hummer full of Marines. He was mangled when he was shot in the lower chest with a 50 caliber machine gun which was mounted on a hummer. The 50 caliber bullet tore him in half. Gruesome, but necessary.

Again, I dont post these pictures up for support or postive comments. I understand I will get negative comments and that not everyone supports the U.S. war effort in Iraq. But do understand, indirectly, I place my life on the line for the freedoms that I have back at home. If you cant apprietiate that, or even understand it, maybe we should switch places for a few weeks. Iraq isnt all that bad...but its not pretty.

1/28/2005 9:41:31 PM

9 Photos

right on.
soldiers and marines sometimes get treated badly because some people don't believe in what we are fighting for.
ive heard stories where they arent let into certain bars, resturaunts etc., because they are in the armed forces.
those ignorant individuals do not realize why they even have an option to express their opinion or beliefs.
they really show their intelligence by doing that.
like i say to anyone that doesnt realize why we went to war, watch "The Sum of All Fears" with Ben Affleck, that will give you a hint.
God bless you and all of our troops out there doing what needs to be done.

p.s. i am against picketing, but i don't know how to show it

1/29/2005 12:36:01 AM

1 Photos

Break their knees...a nice way to stop picketing.

1/29/2005 1:55:00 AM

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