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Gallery » Your Naim Heer
i love chinese food!!! 
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124 Photos

i would kill that shit right now! (at werk starving!)

1/9/2004 9:59:29 PM

the dude
9 Photos

shanghai express is like a rainbow in the dark

1/18/2004 6:09:13 PM

Your Naim Heer
109 Photos

i live for chinese food. i should move to china and just eat chinese food all the time...only there, i think they just call it food.

1/20/2004 1:00:18 AM

Your Naim Heer
109 Photos

i liek chinese people b/c........they make good food. i guess i liek Thai people too then..and sometimes japanese people. as long as tehy can cook well.

1/20/2004 8:40:58 PM

Your Naim Heer
109 Photos

yes. yes it is....its good to know that asian people are loved b/c of our love of cook damnit!

1/20/2004 9:37:14 PM

44 Photos

haha, why did someone take a picture of your food? haha j/k, its all good. Just curious... ;)

7/25/2004 7:34:17 PM

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