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7 Photos

aww...nice pic Merry Christmas Nikita and Vera!

12/25/2004 10:00:14 PM

119 Photos

I got Half-Life 2 matching outfit

12/29/2004 5:25:33 AM

160 Photos

your sis is hot yo

12/29/2004 6:05:33 AM

108 Photos

She is absolutely ADORABLE. You guys look a lot alike !

12/29/2004 3:33:25 PM

1 Photos

Siberian Beauty...and your sis is ok too!

12/29/2004 4:19:40 PM

35 Photos

you play DM GLintch? =]

12/29/2004 5:07:07 PM

119 Photos

flushtownsfines: I dunno if it's leagal to say thnx to that, since sh'es a minor

TheFirstFemale: THNX

MattyBoy: LOL

§ilver - I haven;t installed it on my laptop since I've reinstalled it - I am having some video problems that make anything that has vedo studdery and shoppy - DELL is to be contacted and dealt wiht for this!

12/31/2004 3:47:43 PM

7 Photos

mattyboy- omfg

1/5/2005 4:29:02 AM

1 Photos

lol, dude I was just messin around... I met Nikita at a party forever ago. He knows my sense of humor is somewhat out there. His sister is the beauty, he is the beast.

Either way he is a playah!

1/5/2005 7:51:15 AM

119 Photos

e-game...ahhhh, u cought me!

[Edited by GLintch on 1/31/2005 8:10:05 PM. Reason for edit: :]

1/5/2005 3:15:50 PM

119 Photos

what was I thinking saying that!

[Edited by GLintch on 1/31/2005 8:09:12 PM. Reason for edit: :]

1/11/2005 5:15:15 AM

5 Photos

quote :

flushtownsfines: I dunno if it's leagal to say thnx to that, since sh'es a minor

Please introduce me to your sister. I don't care if she's 12.

2/26/2005 11:15:38 PM

271 Photos


2/26/2005 11:18:26 PM

119 Photos


Better pic:

3/7/2005 12:58:52 PM

Shadow Man
16 Photos

u look pretty gay there with the orange, buddy

3/7/2005 1:00:04 PM

226 Photos

Orange being the universal color of gayness of course...

3/7/2005 2:45:43 PM

133 Photos

3/7/2005 4:44:54 PM

the big o
43 Photos

youer kidding me? i totally forgot and not sur eif i ever realize she was ur sister! i knew she would grow up to be goregous! holy FUCK! she used to date my lil brother craig monce! (not blood wow.

5/10/2005 9:02:24 PM

119 Photos

Like OMG, lol

Nice seeing you again!

5/11/2005 1:16:52 AM

146 Photos


5/11/2005 3:48:53 AM

119 Photos

So how old is she???

5/11/2005 5:19:21 AM

119 Photos

^ lol

She's 16 and ballin' hard

5/11/2005 4:34:22 PM

67 Photos

I'd do her in the butt.

5/11/2005 6:52:28 PM

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