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Gallery » USF allstar
Victory is mine! 
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It took my all of 10 minutes to accomplish this, but it was definately worth it. I am the USFbullshit champion!
707 Photos

Your not the first to be this gay...

9/15/2004 10:23:11 AM

USF allstar
15 Photos

I figured, but it was 3am and I was extremely bored.

[Edited by USF allstar on 9/15/2004 6:12:13 AM. Reason for edit: l]

9/15/2004 10:25:59 AM

19 Photos

end yourself.

9/15/2004 11:55:52 AM

295 Photos

couldv'e sworn i did this a month ago.. except i had the whole recent comments filled as well...

and doing it when everyone else is asleep doesn't make it so much of an accomplishment..

[Edited by Cire19 on 9/15/2004 10:56:31 AM. Reason for edit: .]

9/15/2004 3:56:05 PM

129 Photos

if you were cool you would have picked interesting threads to post in, or made your own

9/15/2004 4:54:25 PM

1 Photos

Congratulations, you've won at the internet. Please turn in your NIC and leave so that others may join and play.

9/15/2004 6:31:44 PM

35 Photos

and then . i cried

9/15/2004 6:32:32 PM

USF allstar
15 Photos

Glad to see all of you think I am cool enough for you to take 30 seconds out of your life to bash my picture.

Sorry, I didn't get the memo about not being allowed to post pictures of bullshit anymore. I guess you don't get the USFBS newsletters if you are a newb.

[Edited by USF allstar on 9/15/2004 5:44:33 PM. Reason for edit: o]

9/15/2004 10:41:20 PM

1 Photos

It's not the picture, it's the concept behind the picture, but I guess you already knew that. Memos are memos, they don't come in newsletters, now do they?

9/15/2004 11:39:43 PM

12 Photos

Picture's fine. I'm not bashing. I'm questioning your 'Print Screen' key. Is it... alright?

9/15/2004 11:44:20 PM

1 Photos

Common sense is a bitch.

9/15/2004 11:46:07 PM

35 Photos

i think they all feel threatened allstar

9/15/2004 11:53:07 PM

USF allstar
15 Photos

I guess so, and I didn't use a "Print Screen" button Phong. I took the picture with my digital camera, uploaded it to my PC, then used Paint Shop Pro or something to add the arrows.

Oh, and you're a little bit too pragmatic Tweak. It was 3am when I posted this picture, and perhaps you should not pay attention to the peripheral parts of a post, but try and grasp what the person is really trying to say.

9/16/2004 4:59:31 AM

12 Photos

No no... I meant "Why did you take a picture of a screen instead of a screenshot?"

I kinda got the whole "I took the picture with my digital camera, uploaded it to my PC, then used Paint Shop Pro or something to add the arrows" thing.

How to: 'Screenshot'

Look at screen.
Press 'print screen' key.
Paste to MSpaint.

9/16/2004 5:05:53 AM

USF allstar
15 Photos

Well I'll be damned... Phong actually posted something that was beneficial to me. Thank you very much young lady, this will come in handy in the future.

I think she likes me =)

9/16/2004 5:50:00 AM

21 Photos

<3 Phong

WTF. I, too, am an 18 year old male and I sure as hell don't call 19 year old females 'young lady', especially when they pwnz m3 w17h 133754(_)(3. Ass.

9/21/2004 8:50:35 AM

120 Photos

hummmm.. too much time one ur hands?

9/21/2004 11:52:17 AM

57 Photos

Now you can retire from the internet forever

10/2/2004 1:06:03 AM

85 Photos

shit dawwwg. i think it's great. how in the world did you make those crazy orange arrows???

[Edited by Vixennn on 10/1/2004 9:12:54 PM. Reason for edit: they're friggin' wacky!]

10/2/2004 2:11:54 AM

295 Photos


10/2/2004 2:26:31 AM

USF allstar
15 Photos

No Afro, I have to reach 1000 posts on this awesome website before I can retire.

10/2/2004 2:36:18 PM

7 Photos

pretty lame.

10/2/2004 5:56:00 PM

85 Photos


10/2/2004 6:22:04 PM

USF allstar
15 Photos

Will you be my friend please laurusf20? I need to get some new cool friends.

10/4/2004 12:40:38 PM

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