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143 Photos

i still have yet to master ridin goofy

7/4/2004 10:51:42 PM

35 Photos

its all a mental thing....

7/9/2004 3:15:24 PM

1 Photos

badass picture, that wake looks nice too.

7/11/2004 5:08:36 AM

35 Photos

yeah, the boat was pretty sweat I was riding behind, ... mastercraft 205V

7/20/2004 6:50:49 PM

73 Photos

GO NATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7/20/2004 7:46:01 PM

Hecht Money
31 Photos

yeah mastercrafts r great, i was ridin one all weekend - have u tried wakeskating i just got a board a few weeks ago

7/20/2004 10:30:20 PM

35 Photos

yeah, we wakeskate when we get tired of riding... i still can't land a wake to wake on one though....

7/20/2004 11:56:49 PM

35 Photos

oh, and hecht, i landed my wake to wake on a wake skate

9/3/2004 7:16:01 PM

Hecht Money
31 Photos

Damn man. That's impressive. I'm still working on jumping...I never go while I'm at school though. So I only get to do it when I go home on the breaks! So shitty, considering I used to go like three to four times a week back in my living at home days.

9/3/2004 11:42:14 PM

1 Photos

Hecht, do you have your boards up at school? IF not get them the next time you go home, and Nate, you, myself, and a couple of my wakeboarding buddies can take out my Mastercraft -->

9/3/2004 11:53:50 PM

35 Photos

let me know... i am always down.. we might go riding today actually. plus the tourn. is this coming sunday, you should come out

9/4/2004 3:52:23 PM

1 Photos

Not to worry Nate, where is the tournament?

9/4/2004 4:42:08 PM

35 Photos

the 12th at tower lake (off race track rd.)

9/4/2004 6:16:38 PM

1 Photos

Sweet, I may have to call up Mr. Dean and drag him out there with me.

9/4/2004 6:40:55 PM

44 Photos

If anyone ever needs an extra person to go out let me know. I've been trying to get out on a lake since I moved here. I'm not the greatest but I love riding.

9/13/2005 10:25:03 PM

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