241 Photos
I love it!
6/27/2004 3:50:31 AM
707 Photos
<---- german
6/27/2004 3:54:02 AM
295 Photos
<-- Caucasian
6/27/2004 4:02:44 AM
145 Photos
yes, german girls rock. (not to make myself sound cool or anything)
you should hit up the german restaurant on waters...schnitzlehause i think it's called if i remember correctly. it kicks ass.
6/27/2004 4:23:39 AM
4 Photos
hahaha love the posts...
oh a german restraunt eh? awesome.i've never really eaten any german food before...hmmm...
7/3/2004 6:01:12 AM
17 Photos
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt
7/3/2004 9:52:17 PM
1 Photos
gadzooks? they had a shirt for like errrry kinda chick
7/9/2004 12:06:21 AM
82 Photos
i love every kind of girl, germans and spanish are just preferred
7/9/2004 1:38:32 AM
1 Photos
<--- german ( & irish ) . yeeaa
7/9/2004 3:10:55 AM
4 Photos
i want this shirt but can never find it at any of the stores near me.yay!im a little irish too lol!
[Edited by raindrops on 7/8/2004 11:49:40 PM. Reason for edit: mispelled..whoops]
7/9/2004 4:48:49 AM
136 Photos
German girls are hot. It's all about Shiksappeal. Except when they are subjugating you.
7/25/2004 11:52:59 PM
4 Photos
we are hot and you know it baby ;)
7/26/2004 1:04:10 AM
28 Photos
[Edited by krazeekev on 7/25/2004 11:52:51 PM. Reason for edit: dbl post]
7/26/2004 4:52:17 AM
28 Photos
Being born and raised in Germany...I gotta tell ya, there is a damn good reason that I'm still here in the states and it ain't the food!!!
Aside from Heidi Klum, Nadija Timmermann and Claudia Schiffer...Germany doesn't have as many PRIME CHOICE girls as the state of Florida!
7/26/2004 4:52:27 AM
18 Photos
quote :
schnitzlehause i think it's called if i remember correctly. it kicks ass.
Yes, it's called Schnitzlehaus or however you spell it...kicks soo much ass.
Shit, forgot to add: WOPs > Krauts.
[Edited by .45FMJoe on 7/26/2004 10:20:28 PM. Reason for edit: dagos own all]
7/26/2004 5:55:40 AM