61 Photos
Faza! Welcome to bullshit! How the hell are you? IM me sometime ![](/Emoticons/¥).gif)
[Edited by FloridaKai on 6/18/2004 9:40:31 PM. Reason for edit: .]
6/19/2004 2:39:55 AM
11 Photos
Thats a pretty little boy right there!.....lol whats up Faza how ya been bro
6/19/2004 2:58:05 AM
562 Photos
How is it goin' Brandon? It's about time U've joined bs.com!
[Edited by PitchMe on 6/18/2004 10:42:33 PM. Reason for edit: Add on]
6/19/2004 3:41:10 AM
295 Photos
who's this Brandon character
6/19/2004 3:41:49 AM
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Brandon! About time you came around. I knew you would, I just knew it.
PS I voted for you... Both times!
6/19/2004 4:06:02 AM
136 Photos
The Bull God bows to Thee.
6/19/2004 4:19:20 AM
1 Photos
omg its the orientation dude... like woah
6/19/2004 10:19:30 AM
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Hey what's up guys! Good to hear from you all! I didn't know USFBS was this popular, I'm glad I signed on!
Sarah ~ It's been a while! We should get together and catch up on the past year or so... I don't know about you but
I've forgotten almost everything I learned in Swing Dance. I still run into Debra Loran though, and my friend
Jen who was in our class here and there still goes to the competitions, if you're interested in watching one
let me know! Are you still sailing? When does the new season start? I was glad to see all the great publicity
the team got this past year, it was well deserved! I'll IM you first chance I get. Talk to you soon!
Chris ~ What goin' on boss; the last things I heard about you were some pretty crazy stories about a big party you
were at this past semester - I was gettin' worried! It looks like you're still alive though... how's the
bike? I really want to get one but I've got to pay off the truck first, so it'll probably be a year or two.
Hey, are you going to rush in the Fall? Let me know. Aight man I'm out, take it easy!
Leon ~ You pimp and a half! Where did you get so many pictures of yourself surrounded by ladies on your profile?
Are you still singing? I'm tellin' you, platinum before graduation, you're gonna do it! What have you been
up to otherwise? I'm living on campus for the summer, trying to study for the MCAT and the LSAT, but I didn't
get hired on Cabinet so I've got some free time, give me a holler when you get bored!
Eric ~ What's up Leadership House buddy? The House is certainly going to need a boost in spirit now that you're
moving on to bigger and better things! Are you moving off campus? Are you sticking with cheerleading? Yeah,
the whole "Beefstuds" deal of painting our bodies is really just because we're jealous; we want to be
cheerleaders too but we don't have the skills to put on the shows or the girls to toss up in the air.
What can you do? Your profile is awesome by the way! See you soon man!
Craig ~ Hey man how's Chi Phi doing for you? I heard you're having a pretty good time, that's good stuff. ATO is
dissapointing me a little bit, we need to get off our butts and start getting things done. Are you still
dating that girl I met? I appreciate the comment you made above about voting for me =) I was afraid that
our teacher was going to get me in trouble, he kept asking me how the elections were going while we were
in class. I felt dumb answering "I'll have to tell you after class." Ah well, what can you do. Hit me on
the cell this summer!
Michael ~ Good sir, the Bull God bows to no one! But I thank Thee. I am now in debt one bow to the Bull God. Which
is totally cool, because we are both around for another year, and we're going to make it the craziest year
ever for painting up at the sporting events. I'm hoping to make most if not all of the away football games
this coming semester, let me know if you're interested in coming too. Also, if you're not a member of the
Student Athletic Association or you haven't renewed, you gotta take care of that! I'm lovin' the picture
you've got under your name, it's not every day you are featured on the cover of a magazine! Go Bull God!
Koolaidy ~ Woah, the Orientation Dude. LoL, are you talking about last year? I think I've seen you around campus
from your pictures in your profile, but I'm not sure we've officially met. Thanks for posting on my picture
profile though! I'm on campus almost 24/7 so shoot me a post.
6/20/2004 6:08:10 PM
1 Photos
Wait a sec. Did you happen to take a cruise on Yacht Starship within the past few weeks?
6/20/2004 6:21:55 PM
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hey brandon!!! hows everything going???
6/20/2004 7:24:38 PM
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and by the way Brandon... to answer your question to Craig.... yes he is still dating me! lol Great to see you're on here now!
6/20/2004 7:48:29 PM
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Yes, Brandon, we definitely need to catch up! Still sailing-- just got done with nationals earlier this month actually out in Oregon (it was incredible). Our season starts again in the fall and runs the entire school year.
I forgot most of the swing class too but I definitely want to go out dancing some time Anyway, give me a call.
P.S. I voted for you both times too.
6/20/2004 9:15:27 PM
44 Photos
hey honey, since everyone else was saying hi I thought I should too, dont be disappointed, Nick will be there as much as he can for orientations and I think you guys will do well for fall. Hope all is well in Faza-land
6/20/2004 11:18:10 PM
145 Photos
hey you, glad you finally listened to me and signed up. take care & see ya tuesday...
6/21/2004 2:34:24 AM
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Did you by any chance used to work at Hiawatha?
6/21/2004 3:09:26 AM
37 Photos
don't worry ladies...he looks better in person!!! lol
6/21/2004 3:35:29 AM
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Tweak ~ Yes sir, I was on the Starship Yacht on Friday, June 4th. I'm the former president of the Kosove Society on
campus, and we had our retreat that weekend. The "Kickoff" was the dinner cruise on Friday night. We had a great
time, and the food was really good. I'm just sorry that my girlfriend and I didn't get up to the top deck earlier,
we could have danced a bit more. Were you on that cruise too? Or do you work there? It seems like it would be
pretty good money! Our waitress was a USF student, we exchanged contact information because she said she was
interested in getting involved on campus, and we left her a big tip just in case it wasn't good money working there =)
Lauren ~ What's up, party girl! Before I begin, let me just say that the shoutouts to the Student Athletic Association and
the GO BULLS in your profile are hot. Not to mention the picture at the Southern Miss game! I'm so jealous...
I couldn't go because I was on the Homecoming Steering Committee and it was crunch time for us, so I couldn't
take off. But I'm not missing those crazy away games this year! Were you at the John Mayer/Maroon5 concert that
was in the Sun Dome last semester?
Tara ~ Hey, I'm just glad to hear that Craig is sticking with a good girl Thanks for the greeting, and tell Craig
he better give me a call because I haven't seen him since the Spring semester ended. If you guys want to do a
double date with Brittni and I, that'd be awesome, just let me know what you guys are doing for the summer. Talk
to you soon!
Sarah ~ Congratulations on the Nationals trip! I think I didn't realize how recent it was, because I was hearing hype
about it since like the beginning of last semester. I guess you guys are so hardcore that there wasn't any doubt
in anyone's mind that a Nationals trip was on the horizon! I'm jealous; I'm stuck without a tan nine months out
of the year but you guys are good almost year-round (although, life jacket tans can be annoying, I used to get
them when I taught waterskiing). We'll have to find a good swing night in Ybor or something, since they
closed the Sugar Palm down a few years ago, I don't know if there is a Swing Club. LOL, thanks for the
votes shoutout too, I appreciate it =)
Colleen ~ I got your E-mail after I sent out the E-mail about the Orientations. I believe it, and it's why I'm not
really happy about things. It's really good to hear that Nick will be at a lot of them, I had planned on
being at them all, but I'm speaking on behalf of Student Activities to the incoming commuter students, so
I ended up being out of commission. Nick is really lucky to have someone as supportive and caring as you,
I don't know if I've told you that, but you guys are a really cute couple. Keep up the amazing work, and I
hope everything is well in Colleen-land
Helen ~ Great to see you here too! Did you catch my shoutouts to you on the "Student Concerns" thread under "The
Soapbox" in the Message Boards? When you get a chance, take a look at the second one too, and let me know what
you think. I'm also really glad you came to Bennigan's last Monday, I'm really hoping that SG members will
be able to bond this year, because it's something we haven't had much of in the past. I hope things are well
with you, and I'll see you soon as well!
Klutzyswimmer ~ I did, by chance, used to work at Camp Hiawatha. Actually, your ex-roommate Sarah and I used to be
campers at Hiawatha since we were six years old, and then we were both counselors until the camp closed
down this year. She was a lifeguard and ran the sailing program, and I was a lifeguard and taught
waterski. What happened, did you move down here for school? I know I'm a bit partial, but I think
you made a good choice, FSU spells its name backwards anyways (j/k) =) You do look familiar, have we met
Brittni ~ Thanks for the reassurance. I like this picture! I hope you're not knockin' it! :-*
[Edited by FazaUSF on 6/21/2004 12:24:40 AM. Reason for edit: I misspelled a word.]
6/21/2004 5:23:47 AM
7 Photos
brandon!yah i was at the john mayer/.maroon five concert..hell yah! and SAA(now student bulls club?) rocks my world!! haha southern miss trip was sooo funnnnnn too bad u couldnt go!
6/21/2004 5:31:12 AM
1 Photos
quote :
Tweak ~ Yes sir, I was on the Starship Yacht on Friday, June 4th. I'm the former president of the Kosove Society on
campus, and we had our retreat that weekend. The "Kickoff" was the dinner cruise on Friday night. We had a great
time, and the food was really good. I'm just sorry that my girlfriend and I didn't get up to the top deck earlier,
we could have danced a bit more. Were you on that cruise too? Or do you work there? It seems like it would be
pretty good money! Our waitress was a USF student, we exchanged contact information because she said she was
interested in getting involved on campus, and we left her a big tip just in case it wasn't good money working there =)
| Yeah I work there, I must have been working in another room that night, but when you were getting off (where we all stand in the heat like dumbasses and say "bye byes") I knew you looked familiar from somewhere at school. Who was your server? As far as the food goes, it gets old when you work there and eat it every night. =\ But between the dinner and dancing and drinking, most people seem to have a good time.
6/21/2004 6:04:40 AM
54 Photos
A double date? That would be most excellent! Unfortunately, I don't think I have your cell number. Guess you'll have to catch me up on that one. But the deed is done-there shall be hang-outage.
6/21/2004 7:19:42 AM
37 Photos
Hey LaurusUSF....I love John Mayer and Maroon 5 as well. I thought the concert was amazing...we were not even going to go, but I bought our tickets the same day and drug him there!! lol I can't wait till July to go to Dave Matthews!!
6/21/2004 2:09:53 PM
7 Photos
haha yah i tried to get tickets to dave in july but they were sold out !!!!!
6/21/2004 5:24:48 PM
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yeah, I hear tix sold out within one hour of going on sale. We were lucky to get such good tix or even get tix at all. Plus, an extra bonus...the show is on my birthday, so that we will be awesome!! Sorry, you couldn't get tix. I saw people scalping big time. Our tix are 3rd level and Brandon got them for about 50 apiece, I saw seats close to ours for 200 apiece!! lol Don't give up though, you never know!!
6/21/2004 7:19:11 PM
54 Photos
John Mayer and Maroon 5 may be 2 of the worst things to happen to music since Jimi Hendrix died. Blah.
6/21/2004 7:41:51 PM
15 Photos
wow! can this kid be any more gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6/22/2004 12:28:47 AM
0 Photos
we're going to Adventure Island on Sunday (the 27th) with his big bro from Chi Phi and his gf, so if you and Brittni aren't busy and want to come... that'd be awesome! Just let one of us know
6/22/2004 3:47:07 AM
66 Photos
OK- I knew that I recognized you from somewhere. Last summer I was a waitress and I would bring Sarah lunch sometimes. We went out on the lake a few times too. She graduates this summer.
I transfered to USF last year. I like it so far. I do miss FSU though.
6/22/2004 5:45:27 AM
1 Photos
took u long enough to get signed up.....u got to check out the cavy soon
6/22/2004 11:30:27 PM
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gurlybull- u are so lucky!! ggrrr im jealous
6/23/2004 5:28:03 AM
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hehehe...awwww!! I am sure they will be back. There were a lot of concerts I wanted to attend this summer, but I had to prioritize and with this one being on my birthday and because its Dave Matthews, that was the one I went after. Have you tried other shows on their tour? Maybe a concert that is close to Tampa isn't sold out, like Orlando or Palm Beach. Just an idea...good luck though!!
6/23/2004 7:42:28 PM
Hot Dancer
66 Photos
Hey Brandon!What's up hun?I'm sure I'll see you around soon.Keep in touch!
6/24/2004 1:46:57 AM
94 Photos
It's Da Faz! What's up? Long time no see, how's orientation going? Don't forget to play our theme song, HA!
7/4/2004 1:22:15 AM
133 Photos
Whats up Brandon! The big 2-1 is comin up for ya huh! It was good seeing you the other day. Catch ya l8r!
7/4/2004 1:42:25 AM
34 Photos
hey dude wassup? just wanted to give you props for your mad multi-tasking skills, dude your everwhere on campus..its an art really
7/26/2004 11:14:00 PM
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Brandon hasn't been commented on in awhile, so I am doing it. Brandon, I love you, but this pic just doesn't do it for me!!! hehe MUAH!
10/6/2004 10:26:43 PM
4 Photos
Hey Brandon! i met you over the summer, just wanted to say hey
10/6/2004 10:31:22 PM
145 Photos
just out of curiosity....how long have you had that hair cut?
gonna keep it through med school?
10/6/2004 10:34:34 PM
2 Photos
Hey Buddy!!! NEVER GET RID OF THE HAIR... its like a signature...your hair and numerous USF Polos...
1/6/2005 3:46:22 PM
94 Photos
old skool polos** Da Faza is old skool!
1/6/2005 4:20:07 PM
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Hey thanks guys, I usually get cracked on for wearing so much USF gear... good to know someone appreciates it! Sorry Helen, 'Net's got a point. What would I do if I got rid of the hair? I'd be a pasty bald kid... say, maybe I could run for Senate President that way...
1/7/2005 5:30:42 AM
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Now you're judging males?
6/24/2005 10:57:36 PM
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Thanks for the comment on my picture. I left a reply to you. Who is this jerk?
6/24/2005 11:01:52 PM
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Hey, no problem. I'm sorry he was your welcome party to USFBS. I don't know who he is but we aren't the only ones he's had fun pissing off. My guess is just some poor bastard with nothing better to do.
6/24/2005 11:03:26 PM
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You don't know me. Don't use my name. I love how you lied about your age in your profile, sounds like 5th grade wasn't that long ago.
6/24/2005 11:04:57 PM
4 Photos
Thanks. Its really sad that he has nothing better to do. He is the last of my worries. I know more people with higher maturity levels that I would much rather worry about. Thanks again!
6/24/2005 11:04:59 PM
45 Photos
Hey sweetie..it's me Tabi...thought I would jump on and say hi!! Good to see u on usfbs..I miss u and hope all is well!!
6/25/2005 12:05:31 AM