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this is me going to work, gotta get that $$$
5 Photos

I'd tip ya well. :P

5/31/2004 12:40:52 AM

7 Photos


5/31/2004 12:53:55 AM

34 Photos

nah not hooters, a local place, I like it alot. Pete I'll thank you for those tips in advance

5/31/2004 3:46:36 AM

45 Photos

yeah liz you look good and everything, but who takes a picture of themself before work?!?!? honestly

BTW, the monster earings would complete the outfit....possibly duck boots.

[Edited by psychodelite on 5/31/2004 11:31:25 AM. Reason for edit: fdgfdsgfds]

5/31/2004 4:17:10 PM

7 Photos

Love that movie...

5/31/2004 11:04:04 PM

34 Photos

Sammy, I understand your smart ass ways, but give me a little credit dude. My grandparents had been asking my dad for pictures of me and he figured he'd take one of me going to work. I don't see them much so pictures is all they get. I figured if I had a picture I might as well put it up. Honestly. and Yah taxing tips sucks tons, I mean come on we do slave labor for 2.25 an hour we should be allowed to keep the tips tax free.

6/1/2004 2:49:12 PM

45 Photos

in austrailia, they urge tourists to not tip waitresses, because servers over there get payed so well. From what i understand it is the same way in europe.
Yeah, i was jokin around Liz.

6/1/2004 4:17:23 PM

34 Photos

:-P yah I know dear, you just couldnt tell cuz your reading what I say instead of hearing it, but I still loves ya! I remember from overseas you just dont tip cuz servers either get paid really well or the tip is already figured in, if you tip they return the money to you. So when we get people in from overseas either they dont tip at all, or the tip WAAAY big cuz they dont know what they are doing. Its cute really.

6/1/2004 6:05:42 PM

295 Photos

i'd tip ya too..

.. find a new job..

6/1/2004 6:10:44 PM

94 Photos

i am always a good tipper, especially if the server is cool. I tip normally between 15% and 40%. The first time i hung out with Krystle we were at steak and shake and I tipped like 100%... I only had a soda

6/1/2004 6:21:50 PM

94 Photos

with that being said I'll take a miller lite and hurry it up!!!

6/1/2004 6:23:12 PM

34 Photos

Im actually ok with whatever, somebody tips 15% or not I dont really care as long as they wernt rude, being rude and cheap is just wrong.

6/1/2004 8:04:25 PM

45 Photos

in that case im not going to tip..unless im being rude

6/1/2004 9:26:49 PM

34 Photos

Im doing it to make money for dues and much needed purses and such, people who are doing it to live...they might get grouchy w/ the no tipping. To be honest I get a little grouchy w/ NO tipping...aww who am I kidding, it pisses me off.

6/1/2004 9:53:13 PM

49 Photos

yeah, I get TICKED when people stiff me... not getting tipped is basically an insult

6/2/2004 2:22:59 AM

34 Photos

yah I mean if its a small bill a small tip is totally understandable, but I had one table the other night with a 115$ bill and they left me a whopping 3 bucks, I wished plague on both their houses

6/2/2004 3:00:14 AM

94 Photos

awwww... where's my beer?!?!!! i'm not going to tip you if you keep making me wait... I've been waiting all day!

6/2/2004 3:11:59 AM

49 Photos

dang that sucks. I once had them hand me cash for their bill and the people told me to "keep the change." Yeah, a whole 14 cents.. I wonder if they miscounted tho. Also I once had a lady have a huge bill over $300... and then she flags me over and says "this is for you, under the table"... and slips me $5... yeah. But anyway, how did chem 2 end up treating you???

6/2/2004 5:28:11 AM

34 Photos

Sorry about the delay on your beer sir, I'd like to offer you a piece of Key Lime pie on the house. And chem 2 was awsome, I figured I was going to fail so I just coppied down all the questions and answers from old tests and rolled out of bed about 15min before the exam. Got there and except for 5 questions all the others were the EXACT same from old exams, I was out of there in 6 min. It was fun!

6/2/2004 2:04:13 PM

34 Photos

So I got a B

6/2/2004 2:04:35 PM

94 Photos

good job... **hands hyperuk $5** keep the change

6/2/2004 2:15:42 PM

34 Photos

awww thankyou!! Your to kind

6/2/2004 2:36:05 PM

94 Photos

6/2/2004 2:50:56 PM

49 Photos

woohooo AWESOME job, Liz!!!!!

6/2/2004 6:31:13 PM

34 Photos

could be my best tip all night. Actually I find I make better money durring the week than on the weekend, cuz there are only 3 servers where I work, so when it gets really busy people get all fussy cuz we cant do everything all at once cuz we serve/bus/bartend all for ourselves, so I make better money when the place is kinda slow.

6/2/2004 6:47:52 PM

94 Photos

OK, seriously like most people tip that bad (can't imagine that being a great tip $ wise)? Last time I went out my bill was like $23 and I gave her $30 because I only had twenties and fives, and she was cool/nice.

6/2/2004 8:09:15 PM

34 Photos

You should come into Monty's sometime! Nah really most people are pretty cool about tip, it all balances out some people give GREAT tips and other people leave no tip cuz they are evil.

6/3/2004 3:12:53 PM

2 Photos

I only leave penny tips.

6/3/2004 3:14:44 PM

45 Photos

hey liz....can you confirm if someone leaves a penny face up on a table with the tip, its like saying the waitress did a good job. but if there is a penny face down its like saying she/he did a bad job????? is that true?

6/3/2004 4:01:04 PM

2 Photos

If a person leaves a penny as a tip it is an insult either way.

6/3/2004 4:07:24 PM

45 Photos

no no no, thats not what i a penny included with the tip.

6/3/2004 4:09:21 PM

2 Photos

ahh i see

well then I am not sure

hyperuk, got any insight?

6/3/2004 4:37:03 PM

5 Photos

I have left two pennies as a tip one time. The woman was a complete bitch. She rolled her eyes when my friend Tom told her it wasn't what he ordered. He said exactly what he wanted, and she ordered it completely wrong. Not to mention she never checked us for refills, didn't introduce herself, say please/thankyou, or any other common courtesy stuff.

I have a lot of patience for servers who screw up an order, and it was an honest mistake... and treat you with respect. I average tipping like 30%... but I draw the line when you're a bitch to boot.

...ok, this was a really long post. Liz=coolest server ever!

6/3/2004 7:11:49 PM

34 Photos

umm I dont know about the whole penny thing, I didnt know there was a penny thing, I hope I havent offended any servers in the past. Last night was wicked, I couldnt buy a break, I was just jinxed. I rung up a credit card, the machine ate all the paper, I had 15 orders for a coke go in at the same time, and the coke machine broke! Its really hard to explain to thirtsy customers that the coke is broken, like every piece of Key Lime pie fell on the plate face down...sigh...meh still made 100$

6/3/2004 7:28:13 PM

17 Photos

I know this guy that puts the tip out on the table in singles when he first sits down. every time the server fucks up or is rude he takes a dollar away when they are watching.
Rude maybe, but I laughed my ass off when I heard that.

6/3/2004 7:38:42 PM

34 Photos

I think I would cry if that happened to me....that or go yell in the back room like usual.

[Edited by hyperuk on 6/10/2004 8:29:07 PM. Reason for edit: cuz I cant spell]

6/4/2004 1:03:31 AM

Hecht Money
31 Photos

thats such an awesome idea, but i would feel like such an asshole, and from working in the restruant business, u def do not wanna piss off the waiters/waitresses b4 u get ur food...

7/27/2004 3:57:17 PM

34 Photos

yah but the thing is, the customer still controlls the tip, so no matter how bad you fuck w/ them, they can still screw you. I mean I know I only make 2.25 an hour so if I get a bitchass that doesnt tip it doesnt make me feel any better that I droped his food on the floor

7/31/2004 5:44:03 PM

130 Photos

2.25 an hour u suck i only make 2.13... i think the world should get a memo saying they should tip 15%! And when people call u over to give u the tip... its usually bad! people suck... and when they walk all the way from the register to the table to leave $1 on a $60 dollar bill i wanna chase them out and say screw u keep this

8/4/2004 6:14:32 AM

34 Photos

I used to get that all the time, I'd get so pissed of. I seriously wanted to chase some people down and just beat them, but I didnt, cuz that would be crazy

8/4/2004 10:30:22 PM

295 Photos

yes, what they said

8/5/2004 12:09:38 AM

34 Photos

I can feel the empathy

8/5/2004 2:16:14 PM

45 Photos

do you tip people you get pick-up sometimes ill order food for pick-up from this sandwich place in clearwater...and i use my credit card a lot, and there is that column where you can write in a tip....i never do cuz its like, im just picking up food, i didnt really receive any service....but i always feel bad not leaving a tip, especially when there is a row on the recipt to write one in........its the same situation when i pick up pizza from five star.

[Edited by psychodelite on 8/5/2004 6:06:27 PM. Reason for edit: kjhlioiu]

8/5/2004 5:22:44 PM

1 Photos

I would definitely leave a tip if you pickup to-go food from a restaurant. Most of the time those people don't make that much per hour because they are supposed to be tipped too. Our to-go people at Bennigans only make $5.15 an hour so tips are needed...

8/5/2004 10:20:08 PM

45 Photos

well yeah....but does that mean im supposed to tip just because they need money??? cuz they really didnt do anything for me but hand me food over the counter. The whole transaction takes a matter of a few minutes.

8/5/2004 11:08:57 PM

34 Photos

she didnt say you have to tip much, I mean the truth is they dont really do much. When I had to do to-go orders at my restruant nobody tipped me, I didnt have a problem w/ it all I did was run a ticket upstairs, and bring down boxes of food. but a little tip would be nice

8/6/2004 2:16:35 AM

45 Photos

i actaully more prone to leave a tip if they leave a tip jar out and i have change whn i pay in cash.

8/6/2004 2:25:02 AM

130 Photos

the credit card machine automaticly prints that up... just in case u wanna leave a tip. i know the people at my work who do take out and drive through get tips... not alot though like thell make 10 bucks a whole night if there really lucky. i dont tip them but a buck or so

8/6/2004 6:33:56 AM

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