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Fontana Joe 
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Best Employee in Fontana Hall History
44 Photos

yep the best employee at fontana

6/9/2004 7:21:21 PM

37 Photos

look@me i pstd 1st in my own pikshar

6/9/2004 7:35:22 PM

2 Photos

he's very stoic

6/9/2004 7:45:19 PM

7 Photos

haha..hmmm i work there but i have never heard about him

6/9/2004 9:27:35 PM

44 Photos

lol well you worjj there , but iworked ther last year they ahve completely purged the staff....
thigns are copmpletely different now there, we had a crew of firends workin and livin there for years,there all gone except for me and afew others casue i was young at the time, and now im in grad
I was there from fall o 1998- Fall 2002
you just missed some rgeat times, we use to party on the roof, and do all kinds of fun stuff

6/13/2004 6:26:23 PM

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