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I can kill cause in God I trust... 
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35 Photos


3/27/2004 9:14:09 AM

35 Photos

Wait, I think he is constipated. Ex-Lax Bushhead...derr

3/27/2004 9:15:18 AM

70 Photos

Hey Katee, fuck you... He can kill cause he's the God Damn Pres.... Fucking deal with it... I think he's the shit, he betters business in the US and is trying to make us a wealtier nation... Fuck you liberal soft hearted democrats who want to give my hard earned money to some bum on welfare who is to lazy to get of their fucking ass and get a job. People like you bring our country down the drain, and if you don't like Bush you can move to an island with whats her name and be her lesbian lover.... Eat shit and die, fucking money moocher.

3/27/2004 9:23:03 AM

1 Photos

As much as I dont like to get into politics I have to say Layasurfer makes a good point I like keeping the money I earn. And fuck Saddam and Osama the world is better off without them in power.

3/27/2004 9:31:06 AM

35 Photos


Hey Katee, fuck you... He can kill cause he's the God Damn Pres.... Fucking deal with it... I think he's the shit, he betters business in the US and is trying to make us a wealtier nation... Fuck you liberal soft hearted democrats who want to give my hard earned money to some bum on welfare who is to lazy to get of their fucking ass and get a job. People like you bring our country down the drain, and if you don't like Bush you can move to an island with whats her name and be her lesbian lover.... Eat shit and die, fucking money moocher

haha how comical....anyway...did i say anything about him killing people, no. Good you think he is "the shit" opinions are like assholes my friend. Wealthier nation, I disagree, he is trying to make the welthy welthier and make the peolple on the "money mooching" welfare poorer. Shows how much you know. Not everyone on welfare gets "free money". Lots of welfare recipiants have jobs and try their hardest to get as much money as nthey can from their jobs but unfortunatley not all of them have the formal education to get very well paying job therefore making them need welfare at dsome pont for the most part. This does not make them mon ey moochers. How stereotypical....

3/27/2004 9:46:45 AM

24 Photos

kateetak - my poor undereducated tree hugger, sorry I really try not to rag on girls, its against how my mother brought me up. I have to say in this situation... If you want to live in a country that has the hard working people supporting the lazy ass mother fuckin drains on society, then please, move to canada. Its a quick drive and god knows they have plenty of people just like yourself.

For the rest of modern society, when did it become a bad thing for people who bust thier asses? If you dont like america, leave. thanks

3/27/2004 10:03:40 AM

35 Photos

I know plenty of people who are very hard working people who are on welfare and not "drains on society". Some are just not lucky as you may be....

3/27/2004 10:54:01 AM

24 Photos

Lucky eh? Ive worked since I was 15 years old, my parents dont give me shit. I make more money than most people here because I bust my ass.. I go to school full time too, my parents never gave me any money in any way, the only thing they gave me was a house to live in, and if i didnt have that i would have did the same shit out of my car. Im not lucky, i bust my ass, and i dont appreciate people who roll over and die and blame society for their own fuckups. I started off in the same place these welfare recepients are in, but i beat it because i wanted to.

so please, dont think i am some kid who is republican because i believe what my rich parents belive, my first home was a trailer when i was a baby, and ill be damned if i am not driving a brand new car that I BOUGHT MYSELF ALONE and have 401k started at age 18, I AM AMERICA.. pieces of shit who dont work because they are losers are taking my tax dollers that could be better spent for defending our country from terrorists, not feeding the fat asses of the american welfare system. welfare is a excuse, not a solution.

3/27/2004 2:07:41 PM

70 Photos

Kate kate kate.. One thing, DON'T TRY AND GIVE MY GOD DAMN MONEY TO LAZY ASS PEOPLE!!!! I work they don't it's as simple as that... Want me to buy your plane ticket to send your ass to the 3rd world country of your choice? Pick one... I'll gladly send you there...

3/27/2004 6:02:16 PM

19 Photos

how the hell did this turn into a debate about welfare?

the truth is, bush is bettering the country and our economy by supporting the outsourcing of jobs.

bush cheney 04!

3/27/2004 6:56:41 PM

38 Photos

WOW!!! It is REALLY nice to see some republican opinions at this school or at least in the area! I can't agree more with what yall have to say...I work too hard for my money to just give it away! BUSH 04 !!!

3/27/2004 8:25:40 PM

81 Photos

But you apparently don't care if he gives away huge amounts to the wealthy...adn then spends over 180 billion in Iraq...of YOUR money.

3/27/2004 8:31:31 PM

94 Photos

not to mention the rising unemployment rate, and rising gas prices to match... YAY for big oil!

3/27/2004 8:38:50 PM

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Im really glad we didn't waste that 180 billion in Iraq or that 2 trillion we gave to make the wealthy even more welathy on something as petty as education...psssh.

3/27/2004 9:28:57 PM

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3/27/2004 10:06:07 PM

24 Photos

Yeah I am glad we got rid of that bitch over there in iraq, dont your pea brained liberals understand the commander and chief is trying to protect you? or are you too stuck planting trees that you forgot saddam is a fucking maniac... oh yeah, never mind, just ignore him and he will go away.

we spent money to protect my future kids and ill be GOD DAMNED if you liberals put a stop to the protection of my children and my children's children. IGNORING THE PROBLEM WILL NOT FIX IT.

3/27/2004 10:55:02 PM

82 Photos

im glad saddam is out too, but we need to kill 10,000 innocent iraqis in the process? one CIA sniper could have taken saddam out just as easily.

i like how everytime someone makes a point elm3r posts some idiotic picture.

and skaordie - i like how bush ignored all warnings of 9/11 and only took any action against terrorism after it allready happened. great job protecting us there

3/28/2004 1:23:37 AM

41 Photos

Guitarplayr1800: Everytime someone makes a point, ehh? Well, the picture barrage just started today: get your facts straight. And your "hick" response in my "Kill a Hippie" picture, that was a great point for you to make.

You spout off shit that you have no idea about. All you know is what CNN feeds you. Talk to COMMGOD (a usfbs'er) about what it was like in Iraq, because he was there.

People like you make me wish there was state-sponsored breeding licenses.

Skaordie: Very well put. Too many goddamned beatnik hippies that just wanna hit the hash pipe and forget the atrocities that are putting the US and the world in danger. It's "liberal blinders", like a horse would wear. Fucking hippie democrats (aka communists).

3/28/2004 2:03:11 AM

24 Photos

elm3r, it’s refreshing to actually have conversation with an intelligent person. A “liberal blinder” is a perfect phrase for the situation we have with these sadly undereducated liberals on this website. Hippies, Go hug a fuckin rainbow.

[Edited by skaordie on 3/27/2004 9:13:19 PM. Reason for edit: .]

3/28/2004 2:12:55 AM

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Skaordie: I agree. Atleast I know there's a few people on USFBS that have a brain in that lump three feet above their ass. =) Most of these fucking liberals have no idea, though.

Guitarplayr1800: Bush ignored all the warnings of 9/11? Seems like Clinton did as well. Or, atleast that's what Richard Clarke just testified before congress. The US government handed Bin Laden to Clinton on a silver platter. He said "naa...", and gave Bin Laden a reprieve on death. I wonder if he thought about about the thousands that died on 9/11. Can he give them a reprieve on death?

And where do you get your "10,000 innocent iraqis" figure? Oh, and...

quote :

one CIA sniper could have taken saddam out just as easily.

Hey, bud. That's called a war crime. The CIA sniper would have been prosecuted for such. Not to mention, it's hard to snipe someone who's living in a whole-in-the-ground...

3/28/2004 3:20:22 AM

81 Photos

What the fuck was he "protecting" us from? The US is no safer in it's homeland then it was before we obliterated Iraq. "Homeland security" (see:invasion of privacy) is the only thing that can be attributed to the so called safety. If anything we are at an even higher threat around thw world when we travel because big bad Uncle Sam is playing World Police and installing puppet governments anywhere we deem as an advantage for US politically.

Left this window open for a few hours with that respons...don't even know if it pertinent any longer.

3/28/2004 3:49:03 AM

44 Photos

3/28/2004 4:06:02 AM

81 Photos

Explain to me what he protected us from.

3/28/2004 4:08:01 AM

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quote :

The US is no safer in it's homeland then it was before we obliterated Iraq.

First, it's liberated, not obliterated. Get it right.

Second, we ARE safer, because Iraq can no longer be used as a place for terrorists to set-up their training camps. And THAT is proven fact: that terrorists have trained in Iraq, pre AND post 9/11.

Installing a puppet government? Glad that you consider the Sh'ites Muslims (the native people of Iraq) running their own country a "puppet government". Tell that to them... =)

Let me ask you this: We've been the "world's police force" for a SHITLOAD longer than since 9/11. Ever hear of Vietnam? Korea? Grenada? Guam? Bosnia? Shall I continue?

Because we are the only remaining superpower in the world, we are forced into this role. OTHER COUNTRIES come to us, asking for assistance (South Vietnam, South Korea, the U.N.), both militarily and monitarily. When asked, we do what's right: we help them out.

In the case of Iraq, you have countries like Germany and France that really put their feet down in stopping U.N. support. So, we said fuck it, and went in alone.

NOW: Iraq is free, the citizens are in-admist of starting their own democratic government... and France and Germany want in on the contracts to help rebuild Iraq. The same countries that voted against U.N. absolution are now wanting the supposed "blood money" to rebuild the place.

I say: Fuck them! If they didn't want to go in, then it's their choice. Just don't try your hardest to stop us, then try and profit off of our work, sweat, and blood.

3/28/2004 4:08:28 AM

81 Photos

Guess what....Terrorists also trained in your good ole' US of A! w00t.

And the Americans are controlling every official they installed in Iraq.

You still never answered how we were any safer post SHOCK AND AWEEEEEEEEE. Terrorist train everywhere. Terrorism can only be subdued. Terrorism will never stop and Demolishing and americanizing as many countries as we can is only going to piss the extremists off more. I guess Bush just misunderestimated what he got himself into. How can you expect a man that stupid to have any foresight anyways?

3/28/2004 5:07:44 AM

81 Photos

But it's not like those towel heads matter anyways. YEEEHAW!!!

3/28/2004 5:14:03 AM

44 Photos

Yeah, if we didn't want bush we shouldn't have elected him!!!!!

wait... we didn't...

I agree that Iraq is much better without Saddam, but he should have been taken out when papa was over there. He tried to take over another country with the third largest ground force in the world... and we let him stay in power. Even when his own people revolted just after the gulf war, we didn't support them, and they were trounced by what was left of his army. Now we go over without the rest of the world's support under a flag of wepons of mass destruction which no one has found yet??

thats just a son with a grudge.

And the economy... bush wants to make the tax cuts he placed perminant... sounds great... but what about the 86bill a day war we got going?? Wheres the money gonna come from?? And man, I'm sure glad we're getting a moon base too... kind of like working a minimum wage job, barely scraping enough for rent.. then putting a big screen plasma TV on the credit card....

and jeb breaking the law, and a court order to stick a feeding tube back in a brain dead woman who had been peacefully starving for 7 days (what they assumed she'd live for) man... that was a hell of a move... must run in the family..

3/28/2004 6:05:32 AM

62 Photos

Now wait im confused... how is our economy any better? I mean yes the wealty big business owners are wealthier but im not sure who else is richer because Bush is our president. Last I checked unemployment was the highest its ever been because of our president and that means that GASP more people are on welfare! Are you implying all non republicans support welfare and "giving our money away?" And why does it seem like everytime someone critizes Bush that we hear about how we hate our troops and we should leave the country? I support our troops and I hate that they have to be sent to a desert and endure godawful conditions in the name of our commander in chief. I am not unpatriotic because im not a republican, in America everyone is entitled to thier own opinions. So I will be open minded to everyones opinions until I vote at the end of the year because thats the American way.

3/28/2004 6:35:41 AM

Big L
32 Photos're being senseless. I'm waiting for you to realize that people are not "undereducated liberal tree huggers" and "pea brained liberals" because they disagree with you. Last time I checked, America was about democracy (supposedly). So instead of telling everyone who disagrees with you to leave the country, maybe you should consider it? Without learning to respect others opinions at least somewhat, you are going to be one unhappy man. So let people weigh in with their opinions and then weigh in with yours. Peace.

Everyone needs to look at their own side. People aren't intelligent just because they see things like you do.

5/29/2004 4:40:42 AM

7 Photos

Alright...first off, Bush can not be blamed for 9/11. The report he had before the attacks were extremely broad, making it all but impossible to predict how Bin Laden would attack. Also, Bin Laden was in US Custody during the Clinton Administration but they gave him away... So I would say the blame is 99% Bin Laden, 1% Clinton, but hey...I might be biased...

Welfare...Where to begin... I'm sure there are people who have to be on welfare just to survive. But I do not agree with it. People should earn their own, that is what this country is supposed to be about. You can go from dirt poor to wealthy with hard work and determination. Don't settle, don't skate through life living on the minimum... Honestly, I think welfare hurts more than it helps. Mainly because it gives some people a crutch to lean on, and gives other people a crutch to kick out from under you.

War... People who believe WMDs are the only reason we went to war are ill-informed. People who believe we only went to war for revenge and oil are ignorant. But thats beside the fact. We have already finished the war in Iraq. Now its occupation, rebuild, subdue the insurgents. Pulling out is by far the worst possible idea. Pulling out will give Anti-American Militants more confidence, and will drive Pro-American Supporters to hate us. We need to stay the course. Allow a "real" government a chance to gain roots in before we officially pull out. I don't really care if that government falls, but at least have something there so that the next Militant Leader can't just walk in and grab Iraq by the balls... Also, the "CIA Sniper" would have been tricky, since Saddamn has dozens upon dozens of look-a-likes surrounding him and staying in his various homes.... Even so, on the off chance that Saddamn did get killed, that would simply allow of one of his sons, or a militant in the region, to take over of Iraq, with a vengence...

Economy... The major problem with the economy was 9/11, which caused a stock market crash. That can not be blamed on Bush, as stated by previous reason above. The other major kink in the economy was Enron... This may or may not be able to be blamed on Bush, I do not know much about it other than Bush is supposedly "friends" with a high ranking employee there. Furthermore, the economy is on the increase now. It is rising the fastest is has in American History last time I checked. Yes gas prices are high, but you can always attempt to "conserve" you gas usage. Boycotts won't work... In fact, there was a boycott on gas about a week ago and since then gas prices have increased 8 cents (in my area), good job boycott...

Terrorists... You can not stop terrorism, because it is an ideal. You can however, stifle it. By attacking the major terrorist networks and constantly applying pressure to them, they have increased difficulty in planning attacks against the US. Their main concern to survival. Hopefully, intelligence can find new cells as well, so that a new threat does not emerge from no where. Isolationism is a great idea, but unfortunately, it is too late for that. We have made ourselves a target long before the Bush administration. Now we have to deal with the effects. Until tolerance from all sides can be reached, terrorism will no stop.

World Police... The UN failed miserably. Saddamn has made it known for several years that he has had WMDs (yes, Saddamn can lie). The UN had done several inspections of Iraq, but everytime Saddamn refuses to allow them to certain areas, creating suspicion that he may in fact be hiding WMDs (yes, Saddamn can bluff). The UN basically allowed Saddamn to bully them and finally, Bush went around them. Though I think it would have been better to have UN support, I do believe it is our right to insure our safety. The main problem with this is everyone believes something different.

'00 Election... You can lose the majority vote and still win the Electoral College... Bush won, get over it...

That's it...for now...

[Edited by Justferfun on 5/29/2004 12:54:31 AM. Reason for edit: []

5/29/2004 5:53:37 AM

1 Photos

I don't blame Bush for 9/11 and I think the world is better without Saddam. Osama is a fanatical, murdering sonuvabitch. Unfortunately, a large part of the Muslim world as well as countless other people think the US is a gluttonous and selfish society. It's mostly true. I don't think its too hard to agree with that. But fuck Bush. He spends money like a 16 year old that just got their first credit card from their parents and has no concept about earning and spending money. He is paying back the people that put him into office and mostly supports policies that favor the wealthy individuals that control most of the wealth in this nation. It can be shown that that helps the overall economy but there are better ways to improve the economy and opportunities for the working class. The trickle down theory basically says the rich will be pissing on you and thats what you get to have. There are plenty of people on welfare that are lazy bastards but there are also plenty of working individuals stuggling to gain sustenance and welfare is a deterant to absolute poverty. The victims are the people born into poverty and considered trash because sometimes only being able to get a job a little above minumum wage isn't enough to make a decent life for oneself. It is not a one sided issue like so many have tried to make it. You can't base any policy on what the the biggest idiots, retards, or selfish individuals may do with it. Everything has become so polarized that you can't support one idealism while disagreeing with another because it isn't on the same agenda of the political party one supports. Try to think for yourselves and not what different political parties, special interests, or other organizations have told you whats best for this country and the world.

5/29/2004 6:28:22 AM

0 Photos

5/29/2004 5:37:23 PM

3 Photos

Bush 2004!

5/29/2004 7:37:46 PM

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They also found a terrorist training camp in ALABAMA post 9/11. Just a tidbit of info. I think Iraq will be a better place but the Bush administration fed us a ton of bullshit in order to go in take over. I can't stand the hypocrisy of how fervently the details of Clinton's blowjob was investigated and how the Bush adminstation tries to put themselves above accountability for the shit they told us.

Just as a disclaimer, I don't care much for Kerry either. The system is fucked in many ways. Better than most places but not nearly as truly democratic as we like to think it is.

[Edited by LymmoTUSF on 5/29/2004 3:40:33 PM. Reason for edit: disclaimer]

5/29/2004 8:38:03 PM

92 Photos

see what fucking republicans do to people!!!

6/4/2004 8:52:59 PM

0 Photos

Oh my god! Do you see?!?! Do you see what you have forced me to do! OH, the humanity. Please, please get Bush out of office... he's going to kill us all! ANTICHRIST! ANTICHRIST! I'm going to curl up in a fetal position in the corner of my bedroom and cry now.

Okay, all better. Thanks.

6/4/2004 9:14:42 PM

Seth Angelus
6 Photos

cry for me...DO IT.

6/4/2004 11:36:31 PM

61 Photos

From reading this entire thread I've decided to make an experiment. I'm going to do a poll to try to figure out what the life expectancy of Republicans is vs. the life expectancy of Democrats. Just from reading these responses I can tell that the Republicans have way too much stress in their lives and want to kill everyone. My hypothesis is that the Democrats have a much higher life expectancy than Republicans.

7/1/2004 7:33:58 PM

70 Photos

My prediction is that your a fucking doosh and Republicans have more stress because we do this strange thing called working for our money.. It's called success, something your liberal ass wouldn't know a thing about.... Grrr, people like you are so annoying.

7/1/2004 9:10:18 PM

61 Photos

So just because you're a Democrat means that you're not successful. And who said I was a Democrat? I'm just making an observation about the difference between Democrats and Republicans. By the looks of it, Republicans get annoyed by anyone who isn't a Republican. They sound pretty ignorant, stubborn and closeminded if you ask me.

"Grrr, people like you are so annoying."
Why don't you just smoke some pot then and stop being annoyed, you're going to die too young for being so stressed out by "people like me."

7/1/2004 9:31:03 PM

81 Photos

One can only hope...

7/1/2004 9:43:10 PM

Seth Angelus
6 Photos

quote :

Also, the "CIA Sniper" would have been tricky, since Saddamn has dozens upon dozens of look-a-likes surrounding him and staying in his various homes....

and where are they now? No reports of a look-a-like being killed. Strange.

7/1/2004 9:52:17 PM

17 Photos

WHy are puppet governments frowned upon? I think that they are wonderful...

7/1/2004 10:06:06 PM

7 Photos

7/1/2004 10:13:21 PM

7 Photos

quote :

and where are they now? No reports of a look-a-like being killed. Strange.

One was captured and televised. The rest may very well be in custody. But once Saddamn fled his Palace, I'm sure they didn't want to be caught looking like him (but don't they all look the same anyway...[joking])

7/1/2004 11:16:53 PM

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