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The Triple Kiss 
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Kristen, Stephanie and I at a pathetic attempt to get a feather boa-- to which I own the rights to!
14 Photos

I hate you.

3/12/2004 1:48:28 AM

2 Photos

note: your camera sucks

3/13/2004 2:39:54 AM

14 Photos

Note: Uh, it's called we had been drinking since 10 am. If you'd been drinking all fucking day and tried to take a picture, your camera would suck too. Thanks.

3/15/2004 2:33:02 PM

2 Photos

yes ... because getting drunk affects the quality of my camera ....

3/15/2004 3:36:07 PM

14 Photos

She had a hard time holding the camera still. Shut the fuck up.

3/15/2004 10:45:49 PM

2 Photos

sigh .... I was commenting on the quality of your camera .... not your picture taking abilities

3/15/2004 11:24:24 PM

108 Photos

My camera does not suck. <~~~ This is Caryn

[Edited by TheFirstFemale on 3/15/2004 9:38:05 PM. Reason for edit: x]

3/16/2004 2:37:17 AM

2 Photos

ok ... that argument is dumb
Imma revert to my usual comments
Smirnoff in a can ... classy

3/16/2004 3:10:13 AM

108 Photos

Whatever. You fucking win.

3/16/2004 3:30:08 AM

2 Photos

let's make out

3/16/2004 3:35:00 AM

14 Photos

Peer pressure, but alright.

3/16/2004 7:37:27 PM

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