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93 Photos

^thats a bit harsh

7/17/2007 6:18:38 AM

37 Photos

what is the obsession with that coach bullshit? it's so tacky.

7/17/2007 6:39:07 AM

93 Photos

^some women like flashing expensive brand names on biggie...

7/17/2007 6:46:11 AM

57 Photos

Those earrings serve no purpose but to be flashy.
They are not a cool design or a pretty rock or anything but a logo dangling in everyone's face that says she doesn't really care that it looks tacky, but likes the fact that they are expensive.

7/17/2007 7:08:56 AM

73 Photos

They look funny.

7/17/2007 7:12:18 AM

394 Photos

lol. thats not at all my gf. and its chanel, not coach

7/17/2007 7:58:28 AM

37 Photos

it's all absolutely the same.

7/17/2007 12:23:30 PM

1 Photos

Maybe they came with the perfume?

7/17/2007 5:48:12 PM

nikki ole
602 Photos

I'd accidentally rip those out of her ears I bet.

7/17/2007 6:35:35 PM

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