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50 Photos

Your kitty has no legs....

And she will never win against the mighty Chester.

Rawr bitch

6/13/2007 3:18:04 AM

394 Photos

zurifa? what are you, black>?

6/13/2007 4:49:46 AM

146 Photos

Zurifa Shaquanda. Probably a common name in South Baltimore and DC.

6/13/2007 7:33:10 AM

25 Photos

It means cute in arabic...

6/13/2007 8:47:08 AM

Seth Angelus
6 Photos

how do you say "skull-fuck" in arabic?
If you can't do that, something that roughly translates into "penile thrusting of the cranium" would do just fine.

6/13/2007 2:33:35 PM

110 Photos

^its derka derka mohammed jihad, dont you know anything about arab speak?

6/14/2007 3:21:18 AM

25 Photos

i beleive you forgot boom... ya know.. arab speak and all it must has a derka derka jihad mohammad boom.. right?

6/14/2007 3:46:02 AM

1 Photos

6/14/2007 5:06:54 AM

90 Photos

Kitty owned

6/14/2007 5:14:31 AM

1 Photos

it's like the cat knew, in his eyes, but he was forced to allow it to happen to keep up the illusion that he's just a stupid cat

[Edited by Lysander on 6/14/2007 1:06:16 AM. Reason for edit: .]

6/14/2007 6:05:58 AM

275 Photos

arab speak: "allah akbar...death to Israel, death to the Jews, death to those who oppose Islam...allah akbar"

6/14/2007 6:09:50 AM

21 Photos

^^^^ that last panel is probably the cutest thing ever

^ haha, andy being racist.

6/14/2007 6:51:46 AM

25 Photos

jewtang.. seriously... what the hell? Allah Akbar, alhumduliallah. The rest, your a fuckin idiot.

6/14/2007 7:22:09 AM

275 Photos

^tell me its not true? i have proof of muslims saying shit like that, just go to youtube, you can find muslims saying that stuff, plus lots of other things. i only speak the truth, now leave the temple mount in Jerusalem so we can rebuild the Temple, which you all built on top of.

[Edited by jewtang610 on 6/14/2007 9:34:26 AM. Reason for edit: .]

6/14/2007 2:33:18 PM

21 Photos

hahaha, you're attacking someone for something certain members of a group they identify with do. classic moron.

[Edited by shchmue on 6/14/2007 10:19:34 AM. Reason for edit: and i've seen a jew being greedy? seriously guy, you're a huge fucking toolbag.]

6/14/2007 3:18:55 PM

275 Photos

^i've only met one Muslim who did not have a problem with me. this person unspokendreamer has attended and helped spread the word about anti-Israel rallies, like MLK said "When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews." anti-Israel equals anti-Zionist equals anti-Jew.

[Edited by jewtang610 on 6/14/2007 10:48:32 AM. Reason for edit: .]

6/14/2007 3:48:01 PM

25 Photos

i have no problem with jews... hell part of my family is jewish as was my last roommate of 4 years.... i have never went out of my way to create anti-israeli whatever... you on the other hand i have a problem with.. not because your a jew.. but because you make it a fucking issue with everything... when its not even nessecary or relevant...

6/14/2007 3:55:17 PM

275 Photos

you attend anti-Israel rally, you are anti-Jewish.

6/14/2007 4:17:15 PM

707 Photos

You'r an idiot.

6/14/2007 4:30:10 PM

707 Photos

Its people like Jewtang that cause all the wars in the world.

6/14/2007 4:34:32 PM

25 Photos

what anti-israel rally did i attend?

6/14/2007 6:07:28 PM

275 Photos

i do believe last summer there was a anti-Israel rally held, and when i asked you about the rally, you accused me of harassing you, claiming i knew you were muslim when i had absolutely no idea at the time.

6/14/2007 9:33:20 PM

146 Photos

Blow the entire middle east up is what I say. Get 'er done and let Allah and Jew$God sort 'em out!

6/14/2007 10:51:29 PM

394 Photos


6/15/2007 12:14:39 AM

37 Photos

but not all jews are zionists.

jewtang, shut your money-grubbing hole.

[Edited by HairyBearChaos on 6/14/2007 7:18:01 PM. Reason for edit: :]

6/15/2007 12:17:55 AM

37 Photos

i don't think even all zionists are jews.

rastafarians? christians who base much of their faith on judaism as well as christianity?

6/15/2007 12:26:20 AM

21 Photos

i'd just like to re-iterate the knowledge i've long held: andy is a huge bag full of noisy, useless tools.

6/15/2007 12:36:26 AM

25 Photos

It was a peace rally, and if i remember correctly i called you an idiot because you insisted that is was anti-israel. And agian, i reinterate, you bloody idiot.

6/15/2007 1:34:34 AM

707 Photos

Jewtang is representative of 99% of world extremists. That’s why the world has so much chaos.

6/15/2007 2:36:12 AM

275 Photos

^^you said it was a rally in support of Hizbollah, Hizbollah is against Israel, therefore you were supporting a group that is listed as a Terrorist group, good job. hairybearchaos, 95% of Jews I would say are Zionists, the rest either don't care or don't have an opinion or are part of the Neturei Karta, who are "Orthodox Jews" who don't believe Israel should be here and support Iran and other terrorist groups. shchmue, stop talking shit just to stir the pot, this is between me and unspokendreamer.

[Edited by jewtang610 on 6/14/2007 11:24:50 PM. Reason for edit: .]

6/15/2007 4:24:16 AM

73 Photos

quote :

i'd just like to re-iterate the knowledge i've long held: andy is a huge bag full of noisy, useless tools.


6/15/2007 7:18:26 AM

25 Photos

jewtang.... i attended and promoted a peace rally for lebanon, not Hizbollah. and if you read your own remarks from before, NOT ONCE did i mention hezbollah, only you, because for some reason you feel the need to be victimized....

You are a fucking idiot jewtang, quit trying to be the victum, then maybe someone will take you seriously.

6/15/2007 9:20:11 AM

275 Photos

is Hizbollah not part of the government in Lebanon? i win, go strap a bomb to you like the rest of your musliom friends. and you said yourself in private messages to me that it was against Israel.

6/15/2007 1:56:18 PM

275 Photos

quote :

That’s why the world has so much chaos.

the world has so much chaos because you have Muslims who won't recognize Israel as a country, also they think that if your opposed to Islam and don't believe in it that you should be slaughtered and they should take your women as war booty. hell, Muslims can't even get along together, just take a look at whats going on in "Palestine" (mainly in Gaza) between Fatah and Hamas, they are killing each other and now the government there has been disbanned.

6/15/2007 2:10:39 PM

Seth Angelus
6 Photos

just fucking die already.

6/15/2007 2:14:41 PM

707 Photos

jesus christ...


6/15/2007 4:00:20 PM

37 Photos

this world has chaos because the motherfucking hairy bear put it there.

6/15/2007 4:06:21 PM

707 Photos

6/15/2007 4:15:11 PM

25 Photos

jewtang... seriously... that rally wasn't agianist Jews. it was against the israeli government who attacked lebanon severly, whenit wasn't warrented. Many people beleived the same. I am not some jew hating muslim, infact i don't have any problems with jews.

Yes i oganized apeace rally, it was mianly comprised of old hippies, yes i am muslim, but damn.. it was for PEACE because israel was ridiculously aggressive. And in response to your very old email.. IF Canada had done the same to the US, the US wouldn't first think to bomb the hell out of canada as a first action. Also, it was Hezbollah that kidnapped the soldiers, not the lebanese, the hundreds of women adn children that wer dying, not to mention hundreds of forgieners, including americans, were the reason why we held the peace rally.

6/15/2007 7:08:01 PM

707 Photos

Don't try to reason with him, he is lost in the mind set that all non-jews must die.

6/15/2007 7:10:03 PM

1 Photos

where is this anti-israel rally and where can i sign up?

6/15/2007 7:43:19 PM

275 Photos

^^Bullshit, Israel was attacked first by Hizbollah which is a part of the Lebanese government. On the day that the soldier was kidnapped about 8 or so Israeli soldiers were also killed, if not more. Hizbollah was firing rockets towards Israel from civilian areas, Israel was only targeting those areas where the rockets were coming from, not Israel's fault that Hizbollah uses innocent people as shields. Also, the Lebanese government wouldn't use its army to stop Hizbollah when Israel pulled out like it said it would. The attacks by Israel were warranted as 1) Hizbollah, who is part of the Lebanese Government with an elected representative serving in the Lebanese Government to represent Hizbollah, crossed an international recognized border, kidnapped an Israel soldier and killed 8 others who were trying to rescue their fellow soldier; 2) Hizbollah was firing hundreds of rockets a day towards Israel, causing the entire northern part of Israel to be stuck in bomb shelters for at least a month. Don't give me that crap that it wasn't warranted when Israel was provoked into fighting Hizbollah. Also, don't get mad at Israel for those innocent people getting killed, like I stated before, Israel was only firing at the places where Hizbollah was firing rockets from, not Israel's fault Hizbollah likes to hide behind innocent people. Also, Israel did send out warnings in advance of their bombs to warn people to get out of a certain area, so Israel did take precautions to avoid innocent death. Lebanese Christians were also in support of what Israel was doing.

Israel's first action was not to bomb the hell out of Lebanon, it was to rescue the soldier, unforunately, a point you refuse to mention is that Hizbollah was firing rockets from civilian areas towards innocent Israeli's. But you don't seem to mention that part ever. There was peace there for 6 years before Hizbollah, a member of the Lebanese government decided to cross into Israeli land and kidnap and kill soldiers, your rally should have been agianst Hizbollah for them to return the Israeli soldier and to stop its bombing on Israeli land, but no your rally was against Israel. So your rally was supporting a terrorist regime, indirectly, not directly of course.

Again, had Hizbollah, a member of the Lebanese government not kidnapped a soldier and kill 8 others, this war wouldn't have happened. Your protest was against the victim in this situation, and for the aggressor.

6/15/2007 8:23:32 PM

275 Photos

Trackstar, I definetly do not have that mentality, I don't know where you got it from, but please stop saying shit just to say it.

6/15/2007 8:24:41 PM

21 Photos

somebody get this man some peyote

[Edited by shchmue on 6/15/2007 3:47:38 PM. Reason for edit: spismelling]

6/15/2007 8:47:28 PM

73 Photos

quote :

where is this anti-israel rally and where can i sign up?

6/15/2007 9:49:16 PM

1 Photos

If you're THAT much of a jew:

Go to israel and do something about it rather than whining about all this shit on the fucking picture of a cat. For fucks sake man, act like a fucking adult.

6/15/2007 10:12:26 PM

275 Photos

^i will be doing something about it, come August with my new job.

6/16/2007 12:34:32 AM

1 Photos


6/16/2007 3:30:00 PM

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