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skeet skeet
nikki ole
602 Photos

eww, this is one of the shots from the spread that she looks too fucking skinny.

5/24/2007 9:10:57 PM

101 Photos

Yeah... This is not an attractive picture. Even with the water act.

5/24/2007 9:13:04 PM

707 Photos

I don't think she looks too skinny. She looks like shes been working out alot and is in great shape. She doesnt look anorexic but toned and in good shape. She isnt flabby or anything and is firm in all the right places. Which leads me to believe she is doing alot of cardio and eating right. You look at anyone who does a large amount of cardio, especially running, and thats what youll get.

5/24/2007 9:13:24 PM

nikki ole
602 Photos

Yeah, because ribs showing is always healthy and a sign of a good workout ethic....

[Edited by nikki ole on 5/24/2007 4:37:22 PM. Reason for edit: .]

5/24/2007 9:34:40 PM

17 Photos

geez, it's not like you can see the ribs by her sternum. still, i don't find this an attractive picture.

5/24/2007 9:37:49 PM

707 Photos

What do you think exists between ribs and skin? Muscle? no, nothing but fat. You look at any pro athlete that is in a position of having low body fat, you will see their ribs. Even if they are ripped like no one else, you will see their ribs.

(btw, there is muscle in the rib area, but it doesnt cover them up completely.)

[Edited by TrackStar on 5/24/2007 4:43:55 PM. Reason for edit: []

5/24/2007 9:40:29 PM

nikki ole
602 Photos

Oh well, she still looks sickly and skeleton-esque to me :dunno:

5/24/2007 9:51:41 PM

101 Photos

Look... I am guy and I agree with these two ladies. THIS IS NOT AN ATTRACTIVE PICTURE!!!

Gawd, I must be gay.

5/24/2007 9:52:57 PM

234 Photos

she looks ill-proportioned

5/24/2007 10:06:34 PM

707 Photos

Look, I'm all for curves, but I think this is a hot picture. Maybe its just that it reminds me of a girl who just took it in the mouth. lol

5/24/2007 10:10:27 PM

226 Photos

i wanted to say chopped but apparenlty its real...its real and its scary.

5/24/2007 10:10:43 PM

68 Photos

^^^^Yes she did

and Nikki I hate to break it to you but those aren't ribs those are the external intercostals and Nick you don't know about anatomy so don't speak as if you do lol...there are muscles between the skin and ribs...not everywhere though...but there are and that's what they're called.

[Edited by FBsk8er0 on 5/24/2007 5:17:10 PM. Reason for edit: wow, too slow on the response I guess]

5/24/2007 10:16:28 PM

707 Photos

^ thats basically what I said without getting too specific. Yes, I do know about anatomy.

Especially since I've been in the shoes of haveing very low body fat with good muscle tone. You can develop alot of muscle in that area if you work out your upper torso, but generally, people don't do that who are focusing on being toned and skinny. Like distance runners for example.

[Edited by TrackStar on 5/24/2007 5:24:43 PM. Reason for edit: []

5/24/2007 10:22:52 PM

68 Photos

^Sorry I didn't read the edit before posting

5/24/2007 10:25:59 PM

96 Photos

She's runner skinny.

5/24/2007 10:39:04 PM

63 Photos

^ more like cocaine skinny.

5/24/2007 10:43:43 PM

192 Photos

not a good pic.

5/24/2007 10:44:46 PM

394 Photos

lol at the fatties saying shes too skinny. OH NOES A RIB AND JAWLINE EKKK!!

5/24/2007 11:17:01 PM

707 Photos


5/25/2007 1:54:07 AM

6 Photos

i don't think the photo is bad..but I don't think she looks "fit" because her arms look sooo scrawny.

5/25/2007 1:55:31 AM

1 Photos

whats goin on with those eyebrows

5/25/2007 1:56:10 AM

nikki ole
602 Photos

quote :

more like cocaine skinny.

x2 look at those arms

5/25/2007 1:56:45 AM

707 Photos

^^You prefer an unnatural arch?

^Cocain skinny? She shows more muscle tone in her other pictures but her body looks very tone in general and reflects heavy cardio. But how can you say cocain skinny? We've all seen the Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Richy pictures and this is nothing like that. Those 2 crackheads are very flabby in their skinny pictures.

5/25/2007 2:04:40 AM

5 Photos

Lol---that's what I have to live up to. Nick likes them skinny. Tryin to lose 20-30 pounds now to keep up with those celebs and 16 year olds that keep catchin his eye.

5/25/2007 2:06:23 AM

707 Photos


20-30lbs? So she wieghs 80-90 lbs? pffft...

5/25/2007 2:14:04 AM

12 Photos

She looks pretty fit. She just needs some muscle on her arms. Anywho, people are always their smallest around the ribs, just a bad cut off point.

5/25/2007 2:20:23 AM

81 Photos

her neck.

5/25/2007 2:37:03 AM

146 Photos

Luba Shumeyko is better.

5/25/2007 4:04:18 AM

394 Photos



5/25/2007 5:33:22 AM

73 Photos

She looks good except for the water coming out of her mouth.

5/25/2007 6:12:18 AM

Seth Angelus
6 Photos

I liked her when she was on Dark Angel. I liked her when she wasn't suddenly this amazingly hot and gorgeous actress, which she isn't.
She is not amazingly hot, gorgeous, or a decent actress. She is slowly becoming overrated, and it's a shame.

5/25/2007 6:26:44 AM

Seth Angelus
6 Photos

Vote for me.

5/25/2007 6:28:34 AM

129 Photos

all this talk about her being too skinny is completely ridiculous

this fucking girl could get her throat slit live on the six o clock news BY charlie gibson and i wouldn't care! i don't know her personally... i don't care if she's an actress, hell, that just means she's even MORE expendable than the average person! let her coke herself out, or get fat, thats that.

god damn it, you people are jackals!

5/25/2007 8:04:44 AM

1 Photos

She had bigger tits back in the day. And this picture doesn'y give me a boner, it just makes me wonder if she had just come from the dentist straight to the photo shoot.

5/25/2007 8:18:14 AM

707 Photos

Whats this? More opinions? Whats this? More opinions telling others that they are wrong for their own opinions?

Who are any of you tell to tell anyone else if she is attractive or not. It is my opinion that she is. It is also not my opinion that she is a great actress. It is my opinion that the water coming from her mouth reminds me of a mouth shot and that too see someone of her stature doing that is hot.


5/25/2007 2:36:48 PM

90 Photos

I think the water coming out of her mouth makes her look like she's lost motor function.

5/25/2007 5:24:19 PM

185 Photos

she looks anorexic.

5/25/2007 5:54:31 PM

90 Photos

She must drool in her sleep too.

5/25/2007 6:05:58 PM

131 Photos

^x6. Agree'd!

5/25/2007 6:36:37 PM

21 Photos

quote :

look at those arms

right one looks thin because that's the angle at which arms look really thin for all but the super-built. one on the left looks healthier. this is just a really awful picture. the expression screams down's to me.

5/25/2007 9:44:27 PM

707 Photos

^Yep. Like I said, I just like this picture because its prono-esque.

5/25/2007 10:29:24 PM

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