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copyright MikeG
275 Photos

nice job stealing these from MikeG

4/21/2007 5:04:15 PM

45 Photos

Jenna is the hawtness

4/21/2007 8:44:11 PM

275 Photos

^^and what hint would that be? ^you are correct.

[Edited by jewtang610 on 4/21/2007 3:49:22 PM. Reason for edit: .]

4/21/2007 8:48:48 PM

Liquid Anubis
1 Photos

Awww AWWWWWW. You're so cute. I want to pet you like a lil bunny.

4/21/2007 9:02:17 PM

63 Photos

^ you mean you wanna pet her bunny.

4/21/2007 11:09:40 PM

226 Photos

haha I didn't even know this was on here!! And thanks =)

4/22/2007 1:44:28 AM

443 Photos

Who's stealing? He doesn't post here, and I didn't have a chance to subtitle any of the pics I uploaded.

4/22/2007 1:55:48 AM

275 Photos

^lol, i was being sarcastic Crambone.

4/22/2007 3:12:57 AM

275 Photos

^right, whatever you say, you don't know anything

4/22/2007 2:26:47 PM

443 Photos

Oh, sorry Jewwie.

I was on the defensive because I thought you were still mad about the Rutgers Basketball thread.

<3 <3 <3

4/22/2007 2:30:00 PM

275 Photos

^what thread?

4/22/2007 2:38:58 PM

443 Photos

It was talking about the Rutgers basketball game last year and I said something like "oh, and I saw Jewtang camera-whoring it" or something.

Water under the bridge, my Hebrew friend!

P.S. 311 is coming to town in July, and Matisyahu is opening for them...let's do it!

4/22/2007 9:11:01 PM

275 Photos

^no way, when and where, and how much?

[Edited by jewtang610 on 4/22/2007 6:03:20 PM. Reason for edit: .]

4/22/2007 10:12:02 PM

275 Photos

^i'm friends with alot of them, being a diehard fan and at just about every game, the players and what not know who i am.

[Edited by jewtang610 on 4/23/2007 1:37:51 AM. Reason for edit: .]

4/23/2007 6:37:01 AM

129 Photos

^its funny because that kind of person is also usually very defensive

4/23/2007 4:18:49 PM

275 Photos

^^you would be mistaken.

[Edited by jewtang610 on 4/23/2007 12:35:03 PM. Reason for edit: ^]

4/23/2007 4:19:03 PM

226 Photos

Actually, no Kraft. You're terribly mistaken. I'm good friends with Andy and if I had a problem with him or thought he was "creepy" I'd tell him to leave me alone. Obviously I don't think that of him because we hang out a lot and he was even my Valentine on Valentines Day!

4/23/2007 6:41:12 PM

707 Photos

lol@Jewtangs Jenna hair doll

4/23/2007 7:54:45 PM

21 Photos

this pic's pretty rad

yeah, jewface is a little weird when it comes to these chicks.

4/23/2007 8:34:01 PM

226 Photos

WTF is a "hair doll"??? That just sounds weird!

4/24/2007 1:32:20 AM

73 Photos

It's a doll made out of your hair.

4/24/2007 1:58:52 AM

Liquid Anubis
1 Photos

I think this is the best pic I've ever seen of Jenna. She looks so adorable.

4/24/2007 2:02:42 AM

226 Photos

Aww thanks!!

4/24/2007 3:05:06 AM

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