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dumb cunt 
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6 Photos

i think it's pretty funny that you're getting so worked over nothing

4/10/2007 1:24:16 AM

275 Photos

^i think its sad that you abuse your power and get away with it, dumb bitch.

4/10/2007 1:29:20 AM

6 Photos

^i find it funny that you think your jewish opinion counts

4/10/2007 1:31:11 AM

275 Photos

^i think i've seen you working at the gym, and you were very ugly, and yes my opinion counts.

4/10/2007 1:37:10 AM

6 Photos

i don't work at the gym you dumbass

4/10/2007 1:38:34 AM

275 Photos

^well then there is somebody just as ugly as you working there. damn, imagine a world with another person as ugly as blahblahblah...oh nooo...i better watch out, she might ban me.

[Edited by jewtang610 on 4/9/2007 8:41:30 PM. Reason for edit: .]

4/10/2007 1:40:04 AM

6 Photos


4/10/2007 1:41:00 AM

nikki ole
602 Photos

quote :

i find it funny that you think your jewish opinion counts

BAHAHA, this shit is cracking me up

4/10/2007 1:41:37 AM

275 Photos

quote :

^i find it funny that you think your jewish opinion counts

i think its funny that your goyim ass thinks you actually think that people like you, when in actuality they only like you because you can ban them, so they are nice to you.

4/10/2007 1:47:06 AM

6 Photos

who's nice to me?

4/10/2007 1:49:45 AM

275 Photos

^thats right your a stupid bitch that nobody likes, my bad.

4/10/2007 1:50:53 AM

6 Photos

who's stupid? you're the one who thought i worked at the gym...derrr

seriously i could do this all night it's pretty damn funny

4/10/2007 1:53:10 AM

275 Photos

theres actually somebody who looks just like you at the front desk one day, thought it was you. i would do this all day, but i have a outline to write by tomorrow night.

4/10/2007 1:56:39 AM

1 Photos

cheesus rice

4/10/2007 1:58:40 AM

Liquid Anubis
1 Photos

Amber turns me on when she gets like this. I'm leaving snail trails, as Clay would say.

4/10/2007 2:00:22 AM

6 Photos

^^^considering you've never met me in person i doubt this person looks like me...and seriously it takes you 24 hours to write an outline? damn you better get started on your final paper due in 2008

^HI JUAN!! When will I see you again?!

[Edited by blahblahblah on 4/9/2007 9:01:24 PM. Reason for edit: that's a song..]

4/10/2007 2:00:40 AM

Liquid Anubis
1 Photos

I don't know darlin. Soon I hope.

4/10/2007 2:03:14 AM

6 Photos

me too!!! i miss you and your salsa

4/10/2007 2:07:06 AM

275 Photos

^^^its actually for my Senior Seminar, so it has to be a more indepth outline than what your probably thinking of, and my final paper for this class, which the outline is for is 3,000 words due on the 24th, and i haven't started doing any research yet for it. so yeah, its going to take some time. and from pictures you post on here, i can see what you look like, moron.

4/10/2007 2:10:53 AM

101 Photos

OMG... My ass is twitching. You guys make my ass twitch.

Amber, I thought I saw you at the USF gym recently. Not at the front desk, but on one of those ellipticals.

4/10/2007 2:15:02 AM

6 Photos

naaah I don't have access to the gym anymore since I'm not a student right now. I may be again in August

4/10/2007 2:16:06 AM

101 Photos

^Boo, you whore.

Good news, everyone. I just got over my bronchitis and I will start working out a-gain. I am so happy.

4/10/2007 2:18:42 AM

6 Photos

haha sorry i graduated

and i think i have bronchitis ..or a sinus infection

4/10/2007 2:19:19 AM

101 Photos

Yeah... I so need to work on my guns. They feel soft and quite weak. I need to PUMP THEM UP!!!

**You guys have to stop picking on jewtang. However, I can say you had it coming for being a jerk as well, jewtang.**

Sidenote: I got a little chubby. I haven't worked out in a month (fucking bronchitis put me out of commission, mate).

4/10/2007 2:24:34 AM

Seth Angelus
6 Photos

you have a set routine?

4/10/2007 2:29:05 AM

394 Photos

^^^hopefully its SARS

[Edited by calvin on 4/9/2007 9:34:07 PM. Reason for edit: .]

4/10/2007 2:30:31 AM

101 Photos

^^Are you talking to me?

Yes, I do have a set routine. I work out five days a week (each day a different muscle group)

Monday -->Legs
Tuesday -->Chest
Wednesday -->back
Thursday -->Shoulders
Friday -->Biceps & triceps

I need to work on my cardio. I will start running more at night (I usually hit the gym in the morning). I need core work too.

^Whoa there, Calvin. Was that necessary?

[Edited by OmNiSciEnT12b on 4/9/2007 9:33:40 PM. Reason for edit: ?]

4/10/2007 2:32:58 AM

394 Photos

^whoopsy daisy

ps: what about abs/calves/traps?

4/10/2007 2:34:21 AM

57 Photos

^ you should add a day for your core, or at least work some core exercises in to your routine

4/10/2007 2:37:20 AM

101 Photos

Working out is a bitch. I can't seem to to align my ducks properly. Core work = Abs and I work on my calves with my legs.

To tell you the truth, I might be overworking my muscles. I don't want to be a body builder. I want to get into cardio type sports again (boxing). For those type of sports, lifting a lot of weight is overrated.

[Edited by OmNiSciEnT12b on 4/9/2007 9:42:03 PM. Reason for edit: I do work on my traps, but not that much. I was born with good traps.]

4/10/2007 2:37:51 AM

No Idea
27 Photos

i looove doing traps

4/10/2007 2:52:59 AM

101 Photos

I love doing triceps now. I have weak triceps and I've been working them like crazy (did until I got sick). Triceps are fun for me.

Enough about exercise. Amber needs to answer this...

quote :

seriously though, ive been dreaming of this action forever, amber are you a screamer?

quote :

only one way to find out

Definite answer, please...

4/10/2007 2:57:49 AM

73 Photos

quote :

^i think its sad that you abuse your power and get away with it, dumb bitch.

lol, he's still pissed off about being banned for a day. Wow.

4/10/2007 3:49:44 AM

394 Photos

abs/back/erectors and all that are core muscles and a good routine on its own should hit those.

4/10/2007 4:19:00 AM

21 Photos

this thread is win of so much made

4/10/2007 7:36:28 AM

226 Photos

im still laughing at goyim

4/10/2007 2:21:39 PM

93 Photos

i thought alan was the only person who could ban the blah chick the new person who runs this site?

4/10/2007 6:27:40 PM

185 Photos

You should treat a woman like a rose pedal -mom-

[Edited by PickledFish on 4/10/2007 4:59:39 PM. Reason for edit: 4]

4/10/2007 9:57:47 PM

122 Photos


4/11/2007 2:40:53 AM

129 Photos

this thread is deck

4/11/2007 2:52:22 AM

394 Photos

this thread is mast

4/11/2007 2:54:01 AM

93 Photos


4/11/2007 4:35:46 AM

101 Photos


4/11/2007 4:38:17 AM

394 Photos

alan gave her psuedomodpowers

4/11/2007 4:40:28 AM

131 Photos

quote :

this thread is deck

lol. deck.

4/20/2007 1:58:42 PM

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