226 Photos
boy them hummers sure are safe...bwahahaha
4/2/2007 5:05:26 PM
21 Photos
fuck the H2. the original hummer could eat that thing for breakfast. then again, with vehicles like school buses and firetrucks they really build the frames to not budge... still, i once saw a hummer take down a massive power pole without a scratch. it did flip though.
4/2/2007 5:37:38 PM
226 Photos
dont get me wrong, I know what the h1 can do, that is a real hummer, these 2s and 3s are just a bunch of plas-steel made to look tough.
4/2/2007 6:42:18 PM
26 Photos
I bet that bus was loaded up with fatass, obese teenagers. F=ma can fuck up anything, even a hummer~
4/2/2007 11:29:33 PM
71 Photos
Notice the 4 just standing there.
4/3/2007 3:54:46 AM
21 Photos
^^ hahah
[Edited by shchmue on 4/2/2007 11:13:20 PM. Reason for edit: i want a shirt that says "F=ma can fuck up anything"]
4/3/2007 4:13:06 AM
119 Photos
all this pic says - schooool bus is safe, except the whole seat belt thing...
Click for School Bus Demo: http://www.threebrain.com/dailies2.php?daily=484
[Edited by GLintch on 4/3/2007 10:43:34 AM. Reason for edit: hehe]
4/3/2007 3:41:12 PM
226 Photos
^^^thats because three others are already by the drivers door.
4/3/2007 5:03:29 PM